Middle School Teachers Learn From NY Times Best-Selling Author Lehman

Group of teachers in lectureSouth Colonie teachers are working in house this school year on Professional Development classroom enrichment training with Chris Lehman, author of many books including Falling in Love and Close Reading.

Lehman is the Founding Director of The Educator Collaborative, a think tank and educational consulting organization working to innovate the ways educators learn together. He is an international speaker, education consultant, and New York Times best-selling author.

Lehman has been a middle school teacher, a high school teacher, a literacy coach, and Senior Staff Developer with the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University. He now works with schools around the world through The Educator Collaborative, supporting educators, coaches, and administrators in developing rigorous and passionate literacy instruction across content areas.

Lehman was working today with South Colonie middle school educators, grades 6-8, who teach in the areas English Language Arts (ELA), Special Education, and English as a New Language (ENL).

“Chris is going to be here all year long working with us in district,” said Instructional Supervisor Jennifer Wells. “He will teach us, then model specific programs for our students, and then watch us try out his techniques.”