Letter to Parents About Upcoming Sand Creek Administrative Changes

Dear Sand Creek families,

As we move into August and look ahead to the start of a new school year, I wanted to take a moment to share with all of you some important information regarding the upcoming year. First, it is with mixed feelings I inform you that Mr. Bill Boardman has been appointed as Supervisor of Special Programs, a newly created administrative position in our district. Although we will deeply miss all the great qualities that Mr. Boardman brought to Sand Creek, Bill will bring those very same qualities to this position. I am confident Mr. Boardman will continue to provide great leadership now for our entire school district. I am sure you join me in congratulating Mr. Boardman and wish him the very best in this new position!

Secondly, I want to inform you that after thirty-three years of service in public education, it is my intention to retire at the conclusion of the upcoming school year. At a recent Board meeting, Mike Marohn, the current Saddlewood Elementary School Principal, has been named as my successor to become your next Principal. The district has crafted a thoughtful plan for administrative succession, both here at Sand Creek as well as at Saddlewood.

First, we will look to hire an Associate Principal to work on an interim basis here at Sand Creek to begin the school year. The district will begin the search for the new principal at Saddlewood in the coming months, with the goal of naming the new principal prior to the end of the calendar year. The current plan is for the successful candidate to begin their new role following the holiday recess in January 2018. The plan will then be for Mr. Marohn to join us at Sand Creek for the remainder of the 2017-18 school year, working closely with me while also providing support, when needed, to the new principal at Saddlewood. I believe strongly that this plan has addressed concerns and provides for a smooth and thoughtful transition in leadership at both buildings and will allow for a successful school year for all students and families.

Finally, I am very confident Mike Marohn will provide excellent leadership in the years ahead for our school community. I am very excited to begin this year with the knowledge that this transition plan is in place. Enjoy the remainder of the summer and I look forward to seeing all of you soon!


Tom Nicholson Principal