District Thanks Motto for 13 Years of Service, Seeks Temporary Board Member

Portrait of Leonard Motto
Leonard Motto

South Colonie Schools would like to thank Leonard Motto for his service as a long-time Board of Education member and is seeking someone to fill his temporary seat.

The District recently recognized Motto for 13 years of voluntary service as a South Colonie Board of Education member, and as a former Board of Education President.

“Mr. Motto’s commitment to the well-being of the South Colonie school community was always apparent, and his thoughtful decision making was crucial to the full board,” said current Board of Education President Edward Sim. “We sincerely thank him for all he has done for the greater school community and the children of the South Colonie Central School District.”

As a result of this immediate seat vacancy, the Board of Education will be reviewing candidates to fill a temporary Board of Education seat until the May 21, 2019 school referendum.  At that time, the seat will be re-opened for the three years remaining on the available seat.