CCHS Boys & Girls Cross Country Action

Colonie Central High School boys and girls Cross Country action. Photos by Robert Goo. CCHS Cross Country Runners Photo Gallery

Veeder Celebrates Johnny Appleseed Day

First graders in Ms. O’Connor’s class at Veeder Elementary School celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day with some hands-on learning and fun!  Johnny Appleseed Day Photo Gallery

Four Honored at Tenure Reception

The South Colonie Board of Education held a tenure reception Sept. 25 for staff members earning tenure this school year. Left to right are the honorees Jen Wells (ELA/SS Supervisor), Lindsay Gorman (CCHS-Earth Science teacher), Lisa Thayer (Sand Creek Middle School-Earth Science teacher), and Sara Schnapp (Grade 3 Saddlewood Elementary School teacher).

2018 Raider Scholars Recognized

The Colonie Central High School Counseling Center recognized 324 students from grades 10-12 on September 14th as 2018 Raider Scholars at a school ceremony. Of these 324 scholars with cumulative averages over 90.0, 36 seniors had cumulative averages of 95.0 or better.  Congratulations Raider Scholars! 2018 Raider Scholars Photo Gallery

Lisha Kill Holds Fall Fun Run

Lisha Kill Middle School held its annual Fun Run on Sept. 20. Congratulations to all of this year’s participants. Please use the link below to view a photo gallery: Lisha Kill Fall Fun Run Photo Gallery

Sand Creek Escape Room Success

Students in Ms. Sebert’s 7th period science class at Sand Creek Middle School all successfully escaped the room during their Escape Room Review activity. Each group answered questions and completed puzzles to unlock the codes before time ran out. Congratulations on being the only class all day to have every group escape!

Special Ed Summer School Adventures

During the summer of 2018, 75 special education students joined the summer school staff at Forest Park Elementary School for academics and adventures in the community. Each afternoon, the students enrolled in the program enjoyed some amazing trips in our community including swimming at the YMCA, a hike in the Pine Bush, bowling, a hay …

Shaker Road Kindergartner Detectives

The Shaker Road Elementary School Kindergarteners in Mrs. Jennifer Furze’s classroom are world-class detectives.  The always-clever and very elusive Pete the Cat led these tykes on a hunt all throughout the building as they followed clues, learned about their new school and met the many folks who are here to help them each day. Their …

Colonie Raiders Boys Volleyball Action

Colonie Raiders boys volleyball action vs Bethlehem High School. Photos by Robert Goo. CCHS Boys Volleyball Photo Gallery

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