Brianna Ordonez: Joyful Leader at Shaker Road

smiling little girlShaker Road Elementary School second grader Brianna Ordonez was Principal for a Day this week and it was a joyful thing to behold. 

Ms. Ordonez went about the building light-hearted, smiling, singing and spreading a good vibe wherever she went. This is always her daily approach so it did not surprise anyone that when she had a turn as the building principal, the same demeanor applied.

Ms. Ordonez has been a Shaker Road Turtle since Kindergarten. She loves school and it shows. She is kind to her classmates and her teachers, always ready to help. She loves to talk about what she is learning and her many interests outside of school that include singing, family, animals and her career interest of becoming a nurse.

Ms. Ordonez won the Summer Reading Principal for a Day sweepstakes by reading several books and e-mailing reviews of those books to the every-other-day principal.  As you might expect by now, those reviews were upbeat and lively and filled with all sorts of good reasons why others should read the books she chose.

We were so lucky that her turn as principal came on a dreary, rainy day as she brighten skies for everyone! Thank you, Brianna!