
Full-time & Part-time Employment Opportunities


  • You may apply for more than one position at one time.
  • Create your portal profile and complete the application. Be sure to write down your username and password because you'll use these credentials to apply for any additional positions!
  • Contact Heather White at 812-752-8946 if you have questions about the application process.

Classified Staff & Substitute Staff Pay Chart

Substitute Positions Application 

SCSD2 Substitute Teachers/Aides must complete a training session AND submit all required applications, pass background checks, etc. prior to the first day of service. The upcoming substitute training days are listed below.

Call 812-752-8913 to register for a session! All training sessions will be held at the SCSD2 Central Office at 375 E McClain. Enter Door 1. 

Thu. Dec. 8. Noon to 2:00
Thu. Jan. 5. Noon to 2:00
Thu. Feb. 9. Noon to 2:00
Thu. Mar. 9. Noon to 2:00 
Thu. Apr. 6 Noon to 2:00


Internal Postings
(Current employees only)

To apply for any internal position please email the appropriate administrator (principal, food service director, etc.) and cc your email to [email protected]

Miscellaneous Positions:

Two (2) Summer IT Interns