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Principal's Welcome


My name is Kim Evans and I am so excited to have the opportunity to be the principal for Sun Valley Elementary.  I began my  teaching career here in San Rafael in 2004 and have had a variety of positions over the years, including being an instructional teacher coach, an academic dean, and most recently as the Assistant Principal at Bahia Vista. I live here in San Rafael with my husband and I’m a proud mom of 3 kids attending San Rafael City Schools.  We love San Rafael for its close-knit neighborhoods, the beautiful hiking and bay access, and most importantly, the amazing schools.  We chose to live here and feel great pride in a community that values diversity and equity.

As I introduce myself to the Sun Valley community, I also want to acknowledge the significant legacy that Ms. Harris leaves behind.  As the principal over the past 15 years, she has created more than a school.  Together with the staff, families, and community partners, she has created a community. I am honored to be responsible for continuing the rich tradition of academic excellence and an education model that focuses on developing the whole child.

My values closely align with the mission and goals of Sun Valley.  I believe in a school experience that develops all parts of the child - their intellect, their compassion, and most importantly, their sense of right and wrong.  I look forward to collaborating with a teaching staff that embodies professionalism and teamwork to create powerful learning environments for all children. Finally, I am eager to continue Sun Valley’s work in addressing the issues of inequity that persist locally and nationally.