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Ranae Roemer


Hello!  I am very excited to work with my new students and their families this year.  I have been teaching for 20 years with 16 of those years at Davidson Middle School!  California has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards to replace the current California Science Standards.  The new standards are VERY different from what we have previously taught.  The Davidson Middle School Science Department is currently working through a three-year transition period to ensure that students don't leave Davidson with gaps in their Science education.  Everything you thought you knew about 8th Grade Science has changed.  This year, 8th grade students will  be introduced to the following topics:  Earth and Human Activity, Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions, Energy, Earth's Place in the Universe, Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity, Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits; Waves & Their Applications in Technology for Information Transfer,  and Engineering Design.  My goal for this year is to help your child improve their reading, writing and problem solving skills in order to prepare them for success in High School and beyond.

Please use this website to see my expectations for the students, information on current assignments and projects, and upcoming tests and quizzes. Email is a great way to keep in contact with me and to check on your student's progress. 

Science Humor

After eating his first meal on the moon, the astronaut reported, "The food was good, but the place lacked atmosphere.



A mom was driving her teen-age daughter westward after the horrible forest fires when the smoke in the sky made everything look surreal.  “Oh, Wendy, look at the sun," she told her daughter. "It looks like a big ball of fire." 
The teenager replied: "Mom, it IS a big ball of fire." 


What do you need to be successful in science?

Please bring the following with you every day to class:

  • Your binder, notebook, and agenda
  • 2 or more pencils w/ erasers. (If using mechanical pencils, bring extra lead!)
  • Blue or black pens, color correcting pen, highlighters, markers, colored pencils 
  • At least 10 pieces of blank binder paper (no spiral notebooks, please.)
  • A good attitude.

At home, you will need:

  • The numbers/emails of at least 2 students in class (in case you have questions)
  • A ruler with centimeters
  • A simple calculator
  • Scissors
  • Basic art supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons)
  • A quiet place to study
  • A dedicated time to do your homework each night