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Class wishlist

Small items from the store
  • Boxes of tissue paper
  • Scrubby sponges
  • Band aids
  • #2 pencils
  • Bottle of counter-top cleaner (Simple green, Meyers, Fantastic, 409)
  • Reams of color copier paper (any color ok. On second thought, maybe not pink)
  • Dishwasher soap
  • Sheet sandpaper (any grit size is welcome)
  • Hot glue gun sticks
  • pack of #8 x 1 1/2 wood screws
  • pack of #6 x 1 1/4 wood screws
  • AA batteries (rechargeable or regular)
  • 9V batteries
  • 6V lantern batteries
In your garage or closet?


  • Headphones/Earphones (any type, new or used)
  • Computer speakers
  • Assorted wood screws (#6-#8 most useful)
  • Spools of wire
  • Telescopes
  • Old digital cameras
  • Bathroom scale
  • Hand tools (screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters, crescent wrenches)
  • Cordless drills
  • Flatscreen computer monitors (upgrading???)
  • Working PC computers Pentium 4 or better (laptops preferred, but desktops ok too)
  • Board games that can be played in 30 minutes or less for rainy-day lunches (Connect-4, Mancala, Scrabble, Uno, Battleship, Othello, Trouble, Stratego, Sorry!, etc.)
  • iBook power supplies
Want to get a gift for the class?

 If you are really feeling generous, or want to get a gift around the holidays, the class could do really neat things with:

  • Hot glue guns
  • Board games that can be played in 30 minutes or less for rainy-day lunches (Connect-4, Mancala, Scrabble, Uno, Battleship, Othello, Trouble, Stratego, Sorry!, etc.)
  • Inkjet printer cartridges (HP C8727A)
  • Armature wire
  • Small neodymium magnets
  • Clamps (any size, any type)
  • Jigsaw
  • Wood glue
  • A bench clamp
  • Cordless drill
  • Drill bit sets
  • Benchtop scroll saw
Stuff you'd probably throw away anyway
But we can use it!!!
  • 2L bottles
  • Altoid tins or similar small metal containers
  • Plastic film canisters (does anyone still use film?)
  • Used manilla folders
  • Wire clothes hangers
Scrap wood

Do you have an woodpile at home just taking up space?  Students can make projects out of:

  • 2x4 scraps or long pieces
  • Plywood scraps or full sheets
  • 2x2's
  • shelving (1" x any width)
  • Dowels

 Do you have camping gear or outdoor clothing you can lend or donate to the Outdoor Ed program?

We can always use:

  • Sleeping bags
  • Waterproof jackets
  • Gloves or mittens
  • Rain pants