Homework is your chance to practice the skills and information learned in class that day. Students who do their homework every night score much better on tests. You can expect homework every night Monday – Thursday, and occasionally on Friday nights.
To receive credit, homework must:
· Be completed and out of your binder at the start of period
· Look professional (not wrikled or folded)
· Be done in pencil, dark blue or black ink, or typed
· Have a full heading of name, date and period
**There are no IOU’s in the 8th grade. 8th graders will not be allowed to turn in work late except in special circumstances arranged between the parent and the teacher, as per school policy.**
Bonus Credits
Although I do not assign “Extra credit” work, you will occasionally have the opportunity to do optional advanced work or problems for bonus credits. Bonus credits can be turned for many things, including raising a test grade, getting excused form a quiz, ordering a paperback book, and many other treats. See the bonus credit sign in the classroom for more info. One way you can always get bonus credits is to type up an assignment.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get all assignments, notes, and handouts that were missed. In the homework center of the room, you will find a binder containing every day’s agenda and homework, as well as a file of all handouts. If you are absent one day, you have one day to complete the work. If you are absent two days, you have two days to make up the work. Beyond two days, you must meet with me to work out the best plan to get caught up.
Teacher absences:
I am almost never absent, but on a few days each year I am called away for meetings or planning days. When there is a substitute teacher, the student is expected to act in a respectful and cooperative manner towards the substitute, even if the substitute’s procedures and expectations are different than mine. All assignments done with a substitute will be worth double the points.
Copying homework is cheating. Anyone caught cheating or allowing others to cheat off of them will be given an immediate zero for that assignment and detention or a referral to the office will be given.
Quizzes / Tests
Quizzes will be given frequently to monitor if you are understanding what we are studying. Tests will be given at the end of each major topic, and will be used to determine of the standard has been met. Tests will require students to not only recite facts, but demonstrate an understanding of major concepts gained through all activities, labs and discussions during the unit. Tests will be composed of factual, conceptual, and lab practical sections. Re-taking a test due to poor performance will not be allowed.