[email protected]
In Writing:
If a letter is written to the Board, it will normally be placed on the agenda for the next Regular Meeting. It must arrive at least five working days prior to that meeting. The public is welcome to attend the meeting and address the Board regarding the letter when the meeting reaches the agenda item entitled "Opportunity for Visitors." The public may also e-mail the Board at [email protected] In order to be considered by the Board, any correspondence or e-mail must contain the full name and address of the sender.
By Speaking:
Members of the public are welcome to speak to the Board. Comments by the public can be made to the Board at that point on the agenda marked, "Opportunity for Visitors." You are asked to take turns at the microphone and state your name. Because of the amount of business to be transacted each month, this portion of the agenda will be limited to 25 minutes. Individuals are asked to limit their remarks to no more than 3 minutes. Please expect that questions involving the day-to-day operation of the School District will be referred to the Superintendent of Schools who handles such matters. If your concern centers on the day-to-day operation, it might be helpful for you to contact the Office of the Superintendent before coming to a Board meeting. Many matters are resolved in that fashion.