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Kindergarten Summer Activities
Here is a fun summer checklist of activities you can do this summer 😊
- Go on a nature walk. Use your 5 senses.
- Blow and chase bubbles.
- Make a Hopscotch Board.
- Lie down and relax- look up at the clouds.What do you see?
- Make a grocery list (write or draw) and help go shopping.
- Go to the beach.Draw pictures of 3 things you found.
- Practice counting to 10, then 20 or maybe even 30!
- Play with playdough.
- Make puppets and put on a show.
- Create a picture with watercolor or finger paints.
- Draw with chalk outside.
- Build a city (or anything) out of blocks.
- Have Puzzle Day!
- Write a letter or draw a picture for a friend or family member.
- Follow a recipe and make something yummy!
- Help wash the family car.
- Count the number of windows in your house.
- Go on a shape hunt in your house or outside.
- Color in a coloring book- no scribble scrabble!
- Plant flower or vegetable seeds.
- Practice tying your shoes.
- Fly a kite.
- Hop on one foot 5 times and then try the other foot.
- Practice zipping your coat.
- Come up with words that rhyme with car, hat and snake.