• Counseling
    Ms. Shannon Thomas

    As school counselor I am devoted to the educational, career, emotional , and behavioral needs of the studentsThe elementary, middle, and high school  counselors, along with our school social worker, work very closely in providing students with needed resources.  An open-door policy is maintained to ensure the maximum development of each student.


    School Counseling Services include:


    Classroom Guidance

                    -Study Skills

                    -Communication Skills


                    -Problem Solving

                    -Decision Making

                    -Stress Management

                    -Career Choices

                    -Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention


    Small Group Counseling

                    -Struggles in School

                    -Crises Situations

                    -Family Traumas


    Individual Counseling


    Academic Planning

                    -Student Improvement Team (SIT)

                    -Coordination of Testing

                    -Curriculum Planning



    I am available during school hours to visit with students or parents.


    Confidentiality Statement

    Information shared with the school counselor will be confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others or when legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed.  The school counselors may also consult with each other regarding a student when deemed necessary.


    My email is sthomas@usd404.org or you can reach me at 620-848-3355 ext 249.

    Area Agencies:


    Lafayette House 1-417-782-1772

    Cherokee County Health Department 1-620-429-3087

    Riverton Family Life Center 1-620-848-2300

    Ozark Center Mental Health 1-417-781-4031

    Freeman 1-417-623-2801

    St John’s 1-417-781-2727

    Bear Hugs (mildly ill child care) (ext 1727) 800-362-0390

    Elm Acres Youth Services 620-230-0583

    Child Support Enforcement 620-429-3014

    Legal Services of Southeast Kansas 620-232-1330

    Social and Rehabilitation Services 620-249-3014

    Youth Friends 800-563-0472

    Cherokee County Health Department 620-429-3087

    Class Ltd. (serving people with disabilities) 620-429-1212

    Education Service Center- Greenbush (hearing screening) 620-724-6281

    SEK Respite Services, Inc. (ext. 1642) 800-362-0390          

    See to Learn (vision screening) 800-960-3937

    Women, Infant and Children (WIC) 620-429-3338

    American Red Cross 620-231-3420

    Salvation Army 620-231-0415

    Child Support Enforcement 620-429-3014

    Cherokee County Attorney 620-429-3836

    Legal Services of Southeast Kansas 620-232-1330

    Cherokee County Sheriff (Riverton) 620-848-3000


    Hotline Numbers:


    Safe house (Domestic Violence) 800-794-9148

    Poison Control 800-332-6633

    Rape Hotline 1-417-782-1111

    Parental Stress Hotline 188-367-2543

    Youth Crises and Runaway 1-800-231-6946

    Al-Anon Hotline 800-356-9996

    Alcohol and Drug Abuse 800-821-4357

    Missing Children’s Hotline 800-426-5678

    Nat’l Adolescence Suicide 800-621-4000

    Suicide Hotline 800-444-9999

    Suicide Prevention 24 hr. 800-247-0661

    Child/Adult Abuse Hotline 800-922-5330 or 800-392-3738

    Kan Child Protection and Report Hotline 800-922-5330





    KS Disability Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) Mental Health Topeka-888-582-3759

    Kansas Health Solutions 888-547-2878 www.kansashealthsolutions.org

    Health Wave 800-792-4884 www.kansashealthwave.org

    Southeast Kansas Regional Prevention Center 316-724-6281

    NYU Child Study Center (parenting styles) www.aboutourkids.org/aboutour/articles/parentingstyles.html

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov/tobacco


Last Modified on February 23, 2010