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Instructions for Editing Your SOCS Staff Page
(You will delete this area once you have read
the information and followed the steps)

  1. When you clicked on My Staff Pages, SOCS created your personal section and three articles: Home Page, Click Here for More Information (linked to the Home Page), and a third article called BACK TO HOME.  All articles are accessed through My Staff Pages on the Editor Menu and the first two are completely editable, including the Headline. You will not need to edit the BACK TO HOME article which exists only to provide navigation back to the Home Page.
  2. The graphic design on the Click Here for More Information article can be changed by deleting the link (Click Here for More Information) on the Home Page, going to Insert on the Toolbar, Choosing Staff Page Link and selecting a different design.  You can also choose a different article to link to at the same time.  Re-enter your link in the Hyperlink Text to Display field (this is only the link and can be called anything you want.)
  3. Your Pages will not appear on the web site until you approve your Home Page.
  4. Complete your Home Page by filling in the information in the cells and then submit your article.
  5. To add your picture, click on My Staff Pages and choose the Edit Images option on the Home Page.  You can then add an image using the Image Uploader and it will be placed in the image cell in your Home Page.  (you can view the image by previewing the article.)
  6. Once you are ready to publish your pages, highlight these instructions (all the information in blue and the horizontal line below) and delete it.  
  7. After you publish your Home Page you can continue creating additional staff pages by going to Create Article on the Editor Menu.  Once approved and submitted, the pages automatically link to the Home Page and appear in the navigation on the Click Here for More Information page.  You can link them individually on your Home Page if you desire.
    Check the Approve box and submit

First and Last Name Gallery Image #1 will appear here and you can see it if you preview the article.  If you are not going to add a picture, delete the text in this box.

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Click Here for More Information