In CTE Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Career Cluster classes, the topic is life. As long as human beings inhabit the planet, we will have a need for scientists and technicians to ensure that we are responsibly managing our food production and our natural resources consumption.
This career cluster is organized into eight career pathways:
- Animal systems
- Agribusiness systems
- Biotechnology systems
- Environmental service systems
- Food products and processing systems
- Natural resources systems
- Plant systems
- Power, structural and technical systems
Students in agriculture, food and natural resources learn and practice skills that prepare them for diverse post-high school education and training opportunities, from apprenticeships and two-year college programs to four-year college and graduate programs.
CTE classes in this cluster will introduce you to a variety of interesting careers including:
- Agriculture bankers
- Commodity traders
- Plant pathologists
- Agronomists
- ARS Scientists
- Agriculture mechanics
- Ranchers
- Farmers
- Production supervisors
- Natural resource specialists
- Biochemists
- USDA Graders
- USDA Inspectors
- Meat processors
- Wholesale food purchasers
- Irrigation specialists
- Horticulture specialists
- Landscapers
- Turf managers
- Agriculture education teachers
- Forest geneticists
- Extension specialists
- Veterinarians
Note: Each school and school district has different CTE options. Not every district has classes in every cluster, nor does every district offer CTE dual credit and Advanced Placement options.