In order to be accepted to a college or university you will need to take one of two college entrance exams: the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT).
If you are a part of the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, you qualify for a test fee waiver. You may request a testing fee waiver here:
NOTE: You may also request a code to send your SAT scores!
ACT and
SAT are exams designed to assess your academic readiness for college. These exams provide a path to opportunities, financial support and scholarships, in a way that's fair to all students.
SAT and
SAT Subject Tests keep pace with what colleges are looking for today, measuring the skills required for success in the 21st century. The SAT is the most widely used college admission test. Learn what it tests and how you can best prepare. SAT Subject Tests can complement or enhance your college admission credentials. Click on the SAT School Day Student Guide to learn more about this test.
ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. Click on the
ACT information page to learn more about this test.
What is the difference between the SAT and the ACT?
- The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in the general high school curriculum.
- The SAT is more of an skills-based aptitude test, testing a student's reasoning and verbal abilities.
- The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test.
- The SAT has only 3 components: Evidence Based Reading and Writing, Mathematics, and a optional Essay.
- ACT continues to offer its well-established test, plus an optional writing test. You take the ACT Writing Test only if required by the college(s) you're applying to.
The PSAT, SAT, and ACT tests do not penalize you for incorrect/wrong answers. That is, they don't take off points for incorrect/wrong answers.
The ACT has an Interest Inventory that allows students to evaluate their interests in various career options.
The college(s) of your choice may require a specific test or they may accept either test. Be sure you check the requirements of your college(s).
Test your knowledge on the SAT Question of the Day or the ACT Question of the Day!
Grow your vocab with these 100 SAT vocabulary words!
TSI Assessment is another college entrance exam to determine if a student is prepared to take college level courses. It is more commonly needed for students who have not met the minimum college readiness standard on the SAT, ACT, or the English III/Algebra II STAAR End-of-Course high school tests.
Seniors who have not scored high enough to be exempt from the TSI will have the opportunity to take the reading, writing and/or math sections during our Spring testing dates. More information to come.
Any 10th or 11th grader who plans to enroll in dual credit for 2020-2021 school year, may need to take part or all of the TSI in the Spring as well, depending on EOC scores.