Online Registration Instructions

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Online Registration

2023-2024 registration information

School registration is done online through Skyward.  
You can go to the Pasadenaisd Homepage to parent-student menu and then click on enrollment.
Once there Click on which box applies to your student
-Student is new to Pasadena (never attended PISD)
-Returning Students-moved to a New PISD Zone (completed previous school year PISD) 
-Returning Student (Did not complete previous school year in PISD)

When you have finished the information needed the school will contact you to set up an appointment.

Documents needed when coming to appointment (If you don't bring correct documentation you will have to reschedule your appointment)
*birth certificate
*shot record
*proof of residence (mortgage or lease)
*utility bill (light, water, or gas)
*If you don't have utility bill bring car insurance

If registering for Pre-K - you will have to qualify (by income or language)