What's New

Lariaettes Bring Home Awards
Posted on 03/04/2019
Contest season has finally arrived for the Dobie Lariaettes as they had their first contest on Saturday, Feb. 16 at Clear Lake High School and another this past weekend.   READ MORE... about Lariaettes Bring Home Awards
Editorial: Being Comfortable
Posted on 03/04/2019
Here at Dobie High School one of the rules for dress code is that boys are not allowed to wear shorts and are only allowed to wear pants jeans.   READ MORE... about Editorial: Being Comfortable
Posted on 03/04/2019
The automobile has held a near monopoly in transportation since the introduction of the Ford Model T over a hundred years ago. Since then, relatively not much has changed about the design of our vehicles. There’s a steering wheel, a brake pedal, side view mirrors, etc.  READ MORE... about Autopilot
Column: Social Media Stealing the Beauty of Life?
Posted on 03/04/2019
In a world of social media, everyone knows everyone. We follow each other’s lives around through a screen like lost little puppies.  READ MORE... about Column: Social Media Stealing the Beauty of Life?
Editorial: Standardized Testing gets an 'F'
Posted on 03/04/2019
With the rapidly modernizing world, it’s sometimes hard to keep up. From planes that look like hotel rooms to refrigerators with tablet screens, the 21st century is overflowing with new inventions.  READ MORE... about Editorial: Standardized Testing gets an 'F'
DECA Student in Dallas
Posted on 03/03/2019