1) Q) Do you have additional information about detention at Atkinson Elementary?
A) Atkinson has a school-wide detention program for students breaking rules. The school-wide detention is assigned by Mrs. Ortiz and Ms. Barnes.This detention is held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school. Students will be given a note to take home to be signed and brought back when the detention is assigned.
2) Q) I would like my child to celebrate his/her birthday at school? What can I bring?
A) Student birthday invitations may not be passed out at school. Parents may bring a cupcakes to celebrate their child's birthday to the office. The office will call your child's teacher and notify them of the item. The cupcakes must be after lunch and not served in the cafeteria. Based on the Harris County Department of Health, all food must be prepackaged from a bakery, store, or licensed provider. Food should not be homemade. No other party favors will be permitted during the school day including lunch. Balloons, flowers, presents, and/or tokens are not allowed at school.
3) Q) What time does school begin?
A) The bell rings at 7:45 am. Any student not in the classroom at this time will be considered tardy. The doors will be locked, parents MUST walk your child to the front office so they can receive a tardy admit slip. Students should not be allowed into class without one of these slips. Five tardies will result in a Saturday detention assignment.
4) Q) What time is breakfast served?
A) Breakfast will be served from 7:10 to 7:40 AM. No one will be served after 7:40 AM. Atkinson participates in the Universal Breakfast Program which provides breakfast FREE to all students.
5) Q) Can I eat with my child and bring him/her fast food?
A) Parents may not eat lunch with their child during the FIRST FIVE WEEKS OF SCHOOL OR THE LAST 4 WEEKS OF SCHOOL. Parents may eat lunch no more than ONCE a month. No visitors are allowed during STAAR testing week. No fast foods may be brought in for lunch.(Only home cooked food will be allowed).Canned or bottled drinks are not permitted at anytime.
6) Q) Can I leave my child before 7:00 am?
A) The building will not be open to students until 7:00 a.m. Students dropped off before 7:00 a.m. will not be supervised.
7) Q) I cannot pick up my child, can my neighbor pick up my child?
A) If your child is to go home with a different person or by different means,the school must be notified of this change, in advance, by a note to the teacher.In the case of an emergency, fax a note with your driver's license number on the note, or a call to the school office about the change will be acceptable but be prepared to give some means of identification about yourself when the call is made.This information is very important for the office to know before it is time for the student to be released for the day: *YOU MUST call or fax before 2:30 p.m. so that we can deliver a message in a timely manner.