Health Education

Elementary and Middle School Health Education is taught as part of coordinated school health utilizing the QuaverHealth•PE curriculum. QuaverHealth•PE presents an innovative and school-wide approach to health and physical education skills instruction for Kindergarten through 5th/6th grade. QuaverHealth•PE includes interactive lessons, body and brain warm-ups, gym games, assessments, and original, upbeat songs to bring health lessons to life. All are age and developmentally appropriate, taking into account children’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth over time. 

Intermediate and High School Health Education: The goal of intermediate and high school health education is to provide instruction that allows youth to develop and sustain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. The understanding and application of these standards will allow students the ability to gather, interpret, and understand health information; achieve health literacy; and adapt to the ever-evolving science of health. There are essential skills that repeat throughout six strands and embody the interconnection of health literacy. These skills include decision making, problem solving, goal setting, maintaining healthy relationships with self and others, seeking help and support, and recognizing various influences on health such as social, environmental, media, and genetics. Goodheart-Wilcox Texas Health Skills curriculum materials will be utilized to support intermediate and high school health instruction. 


Human Sexuality and Child Anti-Victimization Instruction: In accordance, and in compliance, with the Texas Education Code and Board Policy EHAA(LOCAL), the Pasadena Independent School District provides human sexuality instruction as part of its curriculum in 4th through 12th grade and anti-victimization instruction as part of its curriculum in Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. The district is confident the information presented to students on this topic is age and grade-level appropriate; however parents have the right to view the curriculum and/or remove their child from this instruction. The opt-in consent form will be sent out by each campus.  To view the timeline for instruction and to learn more about each curriculum resource being utilized for this instruction, please visit this page.