School Closing Procedures
We value the safety of our students and staff. For this reason, decisions on closings or delays of Pasadena ISD schools are based on road and travel conditions throughout the district as well as facility usage.
Decisions regarding school closings or delayed openings of Pasadena ISD schools will be announced by 5:30 a.m. each day of inclement weather.
For the latest announcements regarding school closings or delayed openings, check the district website at Pasadena ISD, district Facebook and local television and radio stations.
Parents will be notified of school closings by
(1) the Pasadena ISD phone notification system,
(2) on the front page of the district website,
(3) through Facebook and (4) Twitter,
(5) local television and
(6) radio stations.
We encourage parents to check with their child’s campus to verify that the information on file is up to date, in order to receive emergency alerts from the district.
If no information is posted or announced, Pasadena ISD schools will start at the regular time on a regular schedule.
Thank you for cooperating with us to keep the students, faculty and staff of Pasadena ISD safe.