Grant Personnel:
Grant Writing Department:
Olivia Smith-Daugherty: Executive Director - (713) 740-0865
Rikitra Stewart: Technical Assistance Compliance Coordinator - (713) 740-0868
Erin Comeaux: Grant Technical Assistance Coordinator - (713) 740-0038
Accounting Department:
Bethany Jordan: Director of Budget - (713) 740-0004
Cassi Thomason: Lead Staff Accountant - (713) 740-0015
Terri Long: Staff Accountant - (713) 740-0948
Jennifer Smith: Staff Accountant – (713) 740-0018
The Grant Writing Department should be contacted upon the receipt of a grant award or donation.
Grants are also called “Special Revenue Funds”. These funds allow us to account for specific revenue sources, which are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. Below is a list of grants that have been applied for and awarded. These funds must be renewed each year and since the grant year may not match the Fiscal year, the grant year must be indicated in the account code. If the grant year is 2017-2018, then there must be an 18 in the activity code. The year in the activity code changes with each grant year. The activity codes MUST be used on any document requiring coding including the RQ10, PO20, PS33 and journal entry requests.
Example: 263.18.001.LEP. It is very important to have the correct grant year in the activity code.
263 = the general ledger fund/company
18 = fiscal year of the grant
001 = the general ledger responsibility code
LEP = the program or department code
Grant/Special Revenue Funds
For the grants below all goods and services must be encumbered, received and paid by the ending date. Payment requests for goods, services and travel must be incurred during the grant period. With these funds items cannot be paid or expensed ahead of time. Certain items can be charged to a prepaid account and then expensed when the event has taken place.
Federal Funds (200-289)
Federal funds are received either directly from the federal government or through TEA.
Fund 206 – McKinney-Vento/TEXSHEP*
Ends 8/31/20
Fund 211 – Title I, Part A
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 211 – Title I Priority and Focus
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 212 – Title I, Part C
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 224 – IDEA-B Formula
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 225 – IDEA-B Preschool
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 244 – Career and Technical-Basic
Ends 8/15/2021
Fund 255 – Title II, Part A
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 263 – Title III, Part A
Ends 9/30/2021
Fund 265 – 21st Community Learning Centers*
Ends 7/31/2021
Fund 276 – Instructional Continuity*
Ends 7/30/2021
Fund 289 – Title VI, Part A
Ends 8/31/2018
State Funds (380-429)
State funds are received from state agencies or through TEA.
Fund 397 – Advanced Placement Incentives
No Ending Date
Fund 409 – Drop out Recovery Program (CPAY)*
No Ending Date
Fund 427 – Juvenile Crisis Intervention Program*
Ends 8/31/2018
Fund 429 – Higher Quality Pre-K Grant
Ends 8/31/2017
Fund 429 – Read to Succeed
No Ending Date
Fund 315 – Def ED |
No Ending Date |
Fund 340 – Def ED |
No Ending Date |
Fund 435 – Def ED |
No Ending Date |
Fund 458 – Def ED |
No Ending Date |
Local Funds (460-499)
Local funds are donations received from corporations, local businesses or other organizations that require funds to be spent for a specific purpose.
Fund 480 – PISD Education Foundation
Ends 18 months from Issue
Fund 490 – Raise Your Hand Texas Grant*
Ends 5/31/2021 (year 1)
Fund 492 – Early College High School*
Ends 8/18/2021
Fund 429 – ECHS Demonstration Site*
Ends 5/31/2021
Fund 497 – The JASON Project*
Ends 8/31/2021
Fund 497 – Community Development*
Ends 8/31/2021
Fund 497 – Menninger “Bridge-Up” Grant*
Ends 6/30/2021
Fund 498 – CASE*
Ends 8/31/2021
*Grant handled by the Grant Writing Department
Budget Amendment Request
The Accountant assigned to your grant will set up your budget in the financial software as it is on the grant application. If a change in your program is needed, please review the grant application to determine if a budget amendment is needed with grantor and financial software or just in the financial software. You can contact the grant administrator or grant manager or grant writing department if you have questions about whether or not you need a budget amendment with the grantor. Budget Amendments needed in the financial software must be signed by the grant administrator and/or grant manager. Please use the budget form that is for the activity codes. "Budget Amendment - Lawson Activities (Excel)". Please run an AC295 or Crystal report before preparing a budget amendment, you cannot move more than the budget amount.
Budget amendments with TEA must be done 90 days before the ending date of the grant.
Grant funds can only be expended as written in the grant application. The grant application is a binding legal contract. Therefore all expenditures must follow district procedures, must be for activities defined in your application and follow the grantor’s guidelines. It is the responsibility of the grant administrator or grant manager to understand what is in the grant application and that the grantor’s guidelines are being followed. All grants are required to follow district purchasing guidelines, which include state and federal regulations, along with the grantor’s guidelines. All grants are required to budget for the district's portion of Medicare (1.45%) account 6141 and Teacher Retirement (11%) account 6146.
Grant funds that are required to follow EDGAR compliance must meet the following elements on each expenditure and include such documentation on the Grant Compliance Form.
- A cost must be allowable
- A cost must be reasonable
- A cost must be necessary
- A cost must be allocable, the charge to the grant is in proportion to the value received by the grant
All encumbrances and expenditures of funds must occur within the beginning and ending dates of the grant, which is listed on the grant application or Notice of Grant Award. Also all goods must be received and all services must be rendered between the beginning and ending dates of the grant. All encumbrances must be paid or closed on or before the ending date. Any PO’s not closed will be the campus/department’s responsibility to cover those costs. Travel guidelines are different for grant funds; please check the Business Office Procedure Manual in the Travel Guidelines section there is a portion for Travel using Federal Funds.
Expenditure Reports
Federal, State and some Local grant expenditure reports will be prepared and filed by in a timely manner as appropriate for the grant. Grantees must adhere to report due dates. Final payments are contingent upon completion of the Final expenditure report and the program reports and documents, submitted by the grant administrator and/or grant manager.