Supplies - Attach the invoice and any other documentation supporting the amount requested on the purchase order.
Note: Any reimbursement for supplies over $200 must be approved in advance by the Business Office. These reimbursements are for spot purchases that cannot be purchased with a PISD Purchase Order or District credit card.
Game Officials/Police Officers – Attach paperwork that includes the name, current address and (SSN) social security number, along with an official signed W-9 for each person requesting payment.
Workshop/Conference Registration Forms – Attach the original registration form plus one copy to the non-standard. The original will be mailed with your check.
Employee Travel – Use Form (#D2-4) Request for Employee Travel Reimbursement attached to a Non Standard PO for all expenditures related to travel. The employee and their respective supervisor must sign the Travel Reimbursement Form. Employee reimbursement for the Principals should be signed by their (ASCD) Associate Superintendent. When requesting a travel advance, note "Advance" in the line description on the non-standard purchase order. When you return from the trip, attach the original lodging receipt, air travel and other incidental receipts on a separate sheet of paper for Travel. Note "Final" in the line description on the non-standard purchase order that states that this is an addendum to the Travel Advance. Also, attach a copy of the original non-standard to the final paperwork. Remember: "Advance" is for a travel advance only: "Final" is for the travel addendum to the advance. Always provide a copy of the original non-standard when submitting the final non-standard.
Effective August 1, 2015 Travel Advances will generally not be allowed. Exceptions for real emergencies shall and must be approved by the appropriate Associate Superintendent.
Professional Services – Attach to a Non Standard PO paperwork that includes the name, current address and (SSN) social security number, along with an official signed W-9, signed contract and any supporting documents for each person requesting payment. Also, refer to the Additional Signature Requirement Rules on Non-Standards prior to sending the non-standard to Accounts Payable
Membership Dues – Attach to a Non Standard PO, the backup for membership dues that are paid for employees to belong to business organizations that will benefit the employee and the district. This payment will need to be approved by your Supervisor and will be at his or her discretion. Membership dues must be coded to account 6495. Note: If the membership fee includes Professional Liability Insurance, etc, the District must be reimbursed with a personal check.
TEPSA - Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association
2023-2024 - $96 Professional Liability Insurance
2022-2023 - $95 Professional Liability Insurance
TASSP - Texas Association Secondary School Principals
2023-2024 - $50 Professional Liability Insurance
2022-2023 - $50 Professional Liability Insurance
Reimbursement of Items Associated with Conferences – The district will not reimburse for items such as tee shirts, golf tournaments, city tours and other things that might be offered during your conference. The employee will be responsible for paying for these extra curricular activities if they want to participate.