Pacheco Union Board of Trustees Agenda Here is the agenda for the Pacheco Union Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, September 13th.
Pacheco Union Board of Trustees Agenda Here is the agenda for the Pacheco Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, August 9th.
2022 General Elections Board Vacancies Pacheco Union School District will have 2 Board of Trustee vacancies for the November 2022 Election. Filing period is July 18-August 12, 2022. Please see flyer for full information.
2022-2023 Open Positions Click the link to view and apply for the Pacheco Union District open positions for the 2022-2023 school year!
Pacheco Union Board of Trustees Agenda Here is the agenda for the Pacheco Union Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.
Pacheco Union Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda Here is the agenda for the Pacheco Union Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, June 14th.
Successful Round-Up Parents, staff, and kids attended 5/17 in a Round-Up for next year's Kindergarteners