Behavior Specialist/ Designee Training Series
The Behavior Specialist Training Series is offered throughout the school year to school based behavior specialists and behavior designees. The series is intended for those wishing to develop a better understanding of behavior across a wide spectrum of students. More traditional content related to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is covered as well as other factors to consider when analyzing behavior and developing behavior intervention plans. The series consists of six core courses: Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Plans, Data and Graphing, Reinforcement 101 and Reinforcement 102.
Crisis Prevention Intervention
Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) is two day course that focuses on verbal de-escalation techniques and strategies to prevent violent or disruptive behavior in the classroom. Participants learn decision making skills to match the level of the response to the risk of the behavior, while emphasizing the least restrictive method to ensure the safety of all. Physical disengagement and intervention techniques that are used only as a last resort are taught as well.
Professional Crisis Management
Crisis Management (PCM) is a complete and fully integrated system designed
to manage crisis situations effectively, safely, and with dignity. It is
composed of four primary strategies: crisis prevention strategies, crisis de-escalation strategies, crisis intervention strategies, and post crisis strategies. Professional Crisis Management is only used in intensive middle and high school sites.