Instructor- David Brace
Graphic Design and Layout includes organized learning experiences that incorporate a variety of visual art techniques as they relate to the design and execution of layouts and illustrations for advertising, displays, promotional materials, and instructional manuals. Instruction also covers advertising theory and preparation of copy, lettering, posters, and artwork in addition to incorporation of photographic images. Communication skills will be emphasized through the study of effective methods used to design commercial products that impart information and ideas. Advanced instruction might also include experiences in silk screening and air brush techniques as well as activities in designing product packaging and commercial displays or exhibits. This program focuses heavily on computer
design for print and the electronic media. Utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud software products is also a major focus of the program. Students will develop a portfolio and have the opportunity to be a part of the student youth organization, Business Professionals of America.
Learning Objectives:
Select appropriate visual arts techniques to develop commercial graphic arts products.
Create works that demonstrate effective use and relationships of elements and principles, media and function.
Create works that communicate in-depth knowledge and understanding.
Use appropriate terminology to analyze, prepare and produce art/media.
Create technical documentation for use in the visual/media arts industry.
Understand and perform oral, visual and written communication.
Use technology and equipment to communicate effectively.
Apply and adapt project management methodology to meet customer needs. This would include developing a project concept proposal plan.
Additional Supplies:
USB Flash Drive 32-64 GB
Credits & Certifications:​
Vincennes and Ivy Tech Dual Credits
Adobe Certified Associate
Areas: PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects
Testing Required: Fees Apply