Instructor- John Davis
Extended lab experience that the student’s choice of clinical site is designed to provide students the opportunity to assume the role of a health care provider and practice technical skills previous learned in the classroom, including information on the health care system and employment opportunities at a variety of entry levels, an overview of the health care delivery systems.
Learning Objectives:
Student will complete current technical skills and educational objectives in preparation for the CNA licensure exam
Student will demonstrate knowledge regarding the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act and will become HIPAA certified
Student will demonstrate knowledge regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation and become CPR certified
Student will effectively participate as a member of a Health Care Team to promote the delivery of quality health care by using technical skills in the work environment while in clinical setting as evidenced by working in and completing 75 hours in a health care clinical setting
Students will apply basic medical terminology as evidenced by completing weekly medical terminology and medical abbreviation testing
Students will recognize the limitations and perform within the appropriate scope of practice as evidenced by demonstrating knowledge of Health Care Standard 14 of the Nursing Assistant Scope of Practice
Student will utilize life skills to become productive professionals as evidenced by
pursuing/completing a job application in a health/related field
Students will prepare for employability and career opportunities as evidenced by preparing a resume’ and cover letter
Students will identify and apply behaviors that are detrimental to one’s health and describe strategies for disease prevention including health screenings as evidenced by planning and executing an all school Health Fair
Students will investigate post- secondary programs for desired career path and establish a contact with appropriate program representatives as evidenced by obtaining application of post-secondary program of choice
Additional Supplies:
Criminal Background Check
Physical Exam
Credits & Certifications:​
Ivy Tech Dual Credits
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
CPR/First Aid (American Heart Association)