First Name:_______________Middle Name:_______________Last Name :_______________________
Address:________________________________City:____________________State: IN Zip:_________
Home Phone:___________________________ Grade:______ Birthdate:_______/_______/_______
Social Security Number:______ - ______ - ______(optional) Gender: M F
Student's Cell Phone # _____________________________________ (optional)
U.S. citizen? Yes No If no, what country ________________/U.S. Entry Date ______________
Ethnic Backround: |
1._____American Indian/Alaskan
3._____Asian or Pacific Islander
Mother's First Name:______________________Mother's Last Name:__________________________
Mother's Address___________________________________________________________________
City_____________________State__________Zip____________ Home Phone_________________
Mother's Employer:___________________________ Work Phone #___________________________
Mother's Cell Phone #_____________________ Resides with Mother? Y N
Mother's E-mail Address______________________________________________________________
Father's First Name:______________________Father's Last Name:__________________________
Father's Address___________________________________________________________________
City___________________State__________Zip____________Home Phone #__________________
Father's Employer:________________________________ Work Phone #_____________________
Father's Cell Phone #______________________ Resides with Father? Y N
Father's E-mail Address_____________________________________________________________
Emerg. Contact 1(other than parent)______________________________Phone #________________
Contact 1's Relationship to Student_________________________
Emerg. Contact 2(other than parent)______________________________Phone #________________
Contact 2's Relationship to Student_________________________
Former School_______________________ City & State_________________Date Left___________
Phone #________________________ Counselor/Contact__________________________________
Is your student currently suspended/expelled from former school? Yes No
Has student been suspended/expelled from former school in the past year? Yes No
Has your student ever been enrolled in a NACS school before? Yes No
Does your student have an active IEP (special education) or 504 plan? Yes No
Are you applying for free/reduced lunches & textbook assistance? Yes No
FYI - Upon entering school, all students must meet Indiana State law requirements for immunization. Please note that the law provides for exclusion from school for failure to comply with the immunization law, unless a parent provides a written religious or medical objection.
Minimum Dosage is as follows: DIPHTERIA, TETANUS, PERTUSSIS - 4 Doses **3 doses acceptable if the third dose was administered at age 6 or older. ORAL POLIO - 3 Doses MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA - 2 Doses
Effective August/2006 - Hepatitis B series required for grades 9, 10, and 12