2016-12-19 Minutes


The Northwest Allen County Board of School Trustees met in executive session on Monday, December 19, 2016, at 6:15 p.m. in the Central Office. Members present: Kent Somers, Liz Hathaway, Paul Sloffer, Ron Felger, and John Hilger. Also present: Chris Himsel, Gloria Shamanoff, Bill Mallers and Steve Bartkus.

I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) 2(D): For discussion of strategy with respect to the purchase or lease of real property.

Mr. Himsel and Mr. Mallers presented information regarding property availability.

No other business was discussed.

Meeting adjourned 7:00 p.m.

The undersigned certify that no other subject matter of business was discussed in the executive session other than the subject matter of business specified in the public notice of the executive session.

Board President Board Secretary


The Northwest Allen County Board of School Trustees met in regular session on Monday, December 19, 2016 immediately following the executive session in the Central Office Board Room. Members present: Kent Somers, Liz Hathaway, Paul Sloffer, Ron Felger, and John Hilger. Also present: Chris Himsel, Gloria Shamanoff, Bill Mallers, Lisa Harris, staff, patron and reporters.

Motions herewith mentioned are unanimous unless otherwise stated.

President Kent Somers called the meeting to order. Motion to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2016 regular meeting as presented by Ron Felger; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.


A. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTSRecommended the following:





Alan Bodenstein

Hickory Center



Lynn Huffman

Hickory Center

Instructional Assistant

1/9-20/17 & 2/20/17-3/3/17

Stephanie Swinehart

Maple Creek

Instructional Assistant


B. CERTIFIED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended the following:




Brittany Hibbs

Maple Creek

Long-term Substitute Teacher Effective 1/5/17-2/14/17

Lindsey Motl

Carroll Middle

Carroll High

Long-term Substitute Teacher 50% Effective 1/4/17-5/31/17

Long-term Substitute Teacher 50% Effective 1/4/17-5/31/17

C. CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended the following:




Becky Anderson

Carroll 9th

TRANSFER to Food Service Assistant 4 hours/day Effective 12/20/16

Lori Forker


12 Month Secretary 8 hours/day Effective 1/4/17

Karen Penn

Carroll Middle

Food Service Assistant 4.75 hours/day Effective 12/20/16

Sharon Sampson

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant Lunch/Recess 2.25 hours/day Effective 1/5/17

D. PERMISSION TO POST/HIRE Requested permission to post/hire the following: Cedar Canyon - Instructional Assistant SE 3.25 hour/day, 4 days/week (general fund). Hickory Center - Instructional Assistant SE additional 1 hour/day 4 days/week (general fund). Special Education - Speech/Language Therapist additional one day/week (.2) (special ed. fund).

Page 2 December 19, 2016


Recommended the following for the 2016-17 school year:




Ryan Cavender

Carroll High

Assistant Track (M)

Edward Hendry

Carroll High

Assistant Track (F)

Robert McKerr

Carroll High

Assigned Mentor 50%

Tracy Meihls

Carroll High

Assigned Mentor 50%

Gary Platt

Carroll High

Assigned Mentor 50%

Jim Potter

Carroll High

Assistant Track (M)

Ryan Roy

Carroll High

Assigned Mentor 50%

Motion to approve items A-E by Liz Hathaway; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.

F. TRAVEL REQUESTS Requested approval of the following:








Nancy Becker

Special Ed.


$ 100.00

SE Grant

ICASE, Indianapolis, IN

Jada Conner

Special Ed.


$ 925.00

SE Grant

ICASE, Indianapolis, IN

Quinn Ruich



$ 1,060.00

Title I

National Reading Recovery & Literacy

Conference, Columbus, OH

Stacey Selby

Perry Hill


$ 475.00

Prof. Dev.

National Reading Recovery & Literacy

Conference, Columbus, OH

Ellen Smith

Cedar Canyon


$ 199.99

SE Grant

Differentiating Sensory From Behavior

Fort Wayne, IN

G. FIELD TRIP REQUEST Recommended the following:





Carroll High Debate Team


Activity Bus

State Debate Meet, Kokomo, IN

Motion to approve items F & G by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.


A. TEACHER PERFORMANCE GRANT Recommended distribution of the Teacher Performance Grant pursuant to House Enrollment Act 1003 (2016) and IC 20-43-10-3 and per discussion with the Exclusive Representative.

The teacher performance grant distribution will be paid to returning staff from the 2015-16 school year that are employed December 1, 2016, that received the teacher performance based compensation for 2016-17. Motion to approve by John Hilger; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.


A. PAYMENT OF YEAR-END CLAIMS AND PAYROLL Requested permission to pay the year-end claims and payroll, as the budget will allow. Motion to approve by Liz Hathaway; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.

B. RESOLUTION TO ADJUST 2016 BUDGET Recommended the enclosed resolution to adjust the 2016 budget. Motion to approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.

C. CAPITAL PROJECTS RESOLUTION Recommended approval of the enclosed Capital Projects Emergency Resolution for $11,064.55. Motion to approve by Ron Felger; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.

D. CORPORATION PURCHASES Building Corporation Purchases - $5,800.00. Motion to approve by Ron Felger; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.

E. CORPORATION PAYMENTS Building Corporation Payments - $195,773.52. Motion to approve Liz Hathaway; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.

Motion to approve claims and payroll, subject to audit, by Liz Hathaway; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.

Board Comments: Kent Somers wished the NACS community a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Mr. Somers acknowledged this is Paul Sloffer's last board meeting as a Trustee after more than 24 years and that on behalf of the board they appreciate his years of selfless service to NACS. Ron Felger commented that Paul has been a great steward and watchdog of taxpayers' money. John Hilger said that Paul brings much wisdom to the board. Chris Himsel said that he was happy to have worked with Paul and appreciates all he has done. Liz Hathaway agreed and said that Paul will be missed. Mr. Sloffer responded by saying that it has been a great 24 years and he appreciates the way the board members have always been able to work things out and sometimes agree to disagree. He also stated that the NACS Superintendents have been wonderful to work with as well. In addition, Mr. Sloffer offered this piece of advice "Keep a good superintendent and let him do his job."

Page 3 December 19, 2016

Audience Comments: Mary Wysong, former board member, said that Paul brought reasonable judgement and cared about students, employees, and the community as he gave selflessly. Steve Bartkus, board member elect, added that Paul's positive service to the Board inspired him to consider serving the district.

Motion to adjourn by Paul Sloffer; seconded by John Hilger.

Meeting adjourned.

Board President Board Secretary