2013-01-28 Minutes


The board met for the annual Board of Finance organizational meeting on Monday, January 28, 2013, at 7:00pm. at the Central Office Board Room. Those present: Mary Wysong, Paul Sloffer, John Hilger and Kent Somers. Ronald Felger Was absent. Also present: Chris Himsel, Bill Mallers, Lisa Harris, staff,reporters and patrons.

Motions herewith mentioned are unanimous unless otherwise stated.

President Mary Wysong called the meeting to order. Per NACS Bylaw 0151.1, Officers of the Board of Finance Are the same as the Board of School Trustees. Mrs. Wysong, President and Mr.Sloffer, Secretary.

Mr. Mallers recommended Garrett State Bank as the depository selection. Motion to accept by John Hilger; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried. Mr. Mallers presented checks issued by NACS that have not been cashed in a two-year time period that need board approval for deletion. Motion to delete checks as presented by Kent Somers; seconded by John Hilger. Motion Carried. Mr. Mallers reported on the investments and interest earned as follows: General Fund $22,393.28; Capital Projects Fund $3,287.31;Transportation Fund $521.37; Retirement/Severance Bond $3,518.93; School Hot Lunch Fund $4,956.48; Health Insurance Fund $17,042.04; Total $51,719.41. Per NACS Investment Income Policy # 6144, recommended investment income be receipted into the General Fund; with the exception of investment income calculated and receipted separately for the Health Insurance Fund. Motion to approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by John Hilger. Motion Carried.

Motion to adjourn by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Kent Somers.

Meeting adjourned.

Board of Finance President Board of Finance Secretary


The Northwest Allen County Board of School Trustees met in regular session on Monday,January 28, 2013 immediately following the Board of Finance Meeting in the Central Office Board Room. Members present: Mary Wysong, Paul Sloffer, John Hilger and Kent Somers. Ron Felger was absent. Also present: Chris Himsel, Bill Millers, Lisa Harris, staff, patrons and reporters.

Motions herewith mentioned are unanimous unless otherwise stated.

President Mary Wysong called the meeting to order. Motion to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2013 reorganizational meeting and regular meeting as presented by Paul Sloffer; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.


Mr.Himsel presented the following commendations: William Wyatt, Carroll High Senior, completed an Eagle Scout project of constructing a set of planter benches and planted four blue spruce trees at Hickory Center Elementary School.Coach Scott Raypole and Assistant Coach Tim Sloffer along with their undefeated Carroll Wrestling team for winning the Carroll Sectional. All 14 wrestlers qualified to advance to the Regional competition. Mr. Himsel read aloud and requested approval of the resolution in recognition of Carroll High school Teacher, Andy Deatrick, who has earned the distinction of 2012 Teacher of the Year for Northwest Allen County Schools. Motion to approve by John Hilger;seconded by Kent Somers. Motion carried.

Page 2 January 28, 2013


  1. RESIGNATIONBeth Carpenter, Eel River Instructional Asst. ESL,resigned as of 1/25/13.
  2. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTSWendy Burchett, Oak View Instructional Assistant,requested leave beginning 1/28/13 through the end of the 2012-13 school year onan as needed basis. Jacquelyn Clapper, Perry Hill Instructional Assistant,requested leave from 3/11-14/13. Jason Lantz, Hickory Center Teacher, requested leave extension from 1/21-31/13. Barb Richardson, Cedar Canyon Custodian,requested leave from 2/8-15/13. Deborah Weatherholt, Maple Creek Food Service Asst., requested leave from 2/5-8/13.
  3. CERTIFIED RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended the following:




Emily Blais

Carroll Middle

Long-Term Substitute Teacher Effective approximately 2/19/13-4/30/13

Janice Wright

Hickory Center

Long-Term Substitute Teacher Extension Effective 1/21/13-1/31/13

  1. CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended the following:




Rosalba Alvarez

Carroll High

Food Service Assistant 3 hours/day Effective 1/29/13

Tiffany Armstrong

Eel River

Instructional Assistant ESL additional 2 hours/day 5.75 hours/day total Effective 1/29/13

Daniel Canaveral

Eel River

TRANSFER to Eel River Instructional Assistant 5.75 hours/day Effective 1/29/13

(.75 hour/day of the 5.75 will be through the 2012-13 school year)

Karyn Harden

Perry Hill

Food Service Assistant 3.25 hours/day Effective 1/29/13

Anita Malloch

Carroll High

Food Service Assistant 3 hours/day Effective 1/29/13

Jennifer Wiehe

Carroll High

Food Service Assistant 3 hours/day Effective 1/29/13

  1. EXTRACURRICULAR RESIGNATIONJim Blanchard, Maple Creek Swim Coach, resigned as of 2/28/13.

Recommended the following for the 2012-13 school year:




Heather Anderson

Carroll High

Reserve Soccer (F)

Mike Arnold

Carroll High

Track Volunteer (F)

Gerald Betley

Carroll High

Softball Volunteer

Jody Betley

Carroll High

Assistant Softball

Andy Brown

Carroll High

Track Volunteer (F)

Katy Cummings

Carroll High

Assistant Softball

Chad Kohli

Carroll High

Baseball Volunteer

Jason Lantz

Carroll High

Baseball Volunteer

Jarad Miller

Carroll High

Baseball Volunteer

Andy Papagiannis

Carroll High

Baseball Volunteer

Mark Phipps

Carroll High

Softball Volunteer

Jake Trahin

Carroll High

Baseball Volunteer

Sara Wagoner

Carroll High

Assistant Track (F)

Dale Warner

Carroll High

Assistant Tennis (F)

Cheryl Wiegner

Maple Creek

Assistant Swim

  1. HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTIONRequested homebound instruction for: #12-15, Carroll Middle Student, beginning 2/4/13-5/29/13, at a maximum of 2 hours/week. Teacher assignment: Jeremy Heidenreich and Dan Lestinsky.

Motion to approve items A-G byPaul Sloffer; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.

  1. TRAVEL REQUESTSRequested approval of the following:








Sandy Buuck

Carroll High


$ 275.00

SE Grant

Focus on Inclusion, Indianapolis, IN

Jason Corah

Carroll Middle


$ 560.00

Prof. Dev.

Hoosier Assn. of Science Teachers Assn.

Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN

Andy Deatrick

Carroll High


$ 170.00

2012 Tech CPF

E-rate Tech


My Big Campus IN Training Camp

Pendleton, IN

Adela Dickey



$ 235.00

2012 Tech CPF

IASBO/CoSN Sustaining the Digital

Revolution, Plainfield, IN

April Ellis

Carroll Middle


$ 575.00

SE Grant

Focus on Inclusion, Indianapolis, IN

Sherri Foster

Carroll Middle


$ 560.00

Prof. Dev.

Hoosier Assn. of Science Teachers Assn.

Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN

Page 3 January 28, 2013

Travel Requests Cont'd

Michele Herr

Carroll High


$ 170.00

2012 Tech CPF

E-rate Tech


My Big Campus IN Training Camp

Pendleton, IN

Heather Hower

Maple Creek


$ 350.00

SE Grant

Focus on Inclusion, Indianapolis, IN

Lon Jones




2012 Tech CPF

Configuring & Troubleshooting Server

2008 Active Directory Domain Services

Fort Wayne, IN

Valerie Pontius




2012 Tech CPF

Configuring & Troubleshooting Server

2008 Active Directory Domain Services

Fort Wayne, IN

Noelle Rigler

Hickory Center


$ 350.00

SE Grant

Focus on Inclusion, Indianapolis, IN

Julie Sweet

Carroll High


$ 155.00

SE Grant

Focus on Inclusion, Indianapolis, IN

Courtney Veith

Carroll High


$ 120.00

Adm. Travel

Advanced School Safety Training

Indianapolis, IN

Stacey Wissler



$ 455.00

SE Grant

Focus on Inclusion, Indianapolis, IN

Requested approval for 12 teachers and administrators to attend the ASCD Annual Conference

March 16-18, 2013 in Chicago, IL,. Registration will be $259.00 each. Registration and other related expenses will be paid from the Title II Part A Fund. Individual Travel Requests will be submitted for board approval when the specific individuals have been selected.

  1. FIELD TRIP REQUESTS Recommended the following:





Maple Creek 8th Grade


Chartered Bus

Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis, IN

Huntertown 4th Grade


Chartered Bus

Statehouse and Children's Museum, Indianapolis, IN

Carroll High Winter Drum Line


Chartered Bus

WGI National Championships, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH

Motion to approve items H andI by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Kent Somers. Motion carried.

  1. FACILITY USE REQUEST Pam Kaylor, Oak View Principal, requested permission to use Oak View Elementary facilities for a summer camp called Camp Invention And that the building fees be waived with a flat rate of $100.00 be paid by the camp for custodial fees. Motion to approve by John Hilger; seconded by PaulS offer. Motion approved.
  2. GIFT/GRANT/DONATION ACCEPTANCERick Vorick, Hickory Center Principal, requested permission to accept a donation from Dr. Matthew Hess thru Parkview Health in the amount of $2,000.00 to be used for student activities and professional development. Dr. Gloria Shamanoff, Assistant Superintendent,requested permission to accept a donation from Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boyd in the amount of $3,035.00 to be used for the elementary author-illustrator program. Motionto approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Kent Somers. Motion carried.


  1. RESOLUTION TO CARRY FORWARD 2012 APPROPRIATION Recommended amendment to the resolution to carryforward 2012 appropriations to the 2013 calendar year that was approved at the 1/14/13 board meeting with the enclosed resolution. Motion to approve by Kent Somers; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.

Motion to approve claims and payroll, subject to audit, by John Hilger; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.

Board Comments: None

Audience Comments: None

Motionto adjourn by Paul Sloffer; seconded by John Hilger.

Meeting adjourned.

Board President Board Secretary