2013-08-12 Minutes


The Northwest Allen County Board of School Trustees met in executive session on Monday, August 12, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office. Members present: Mary Wysong, John Hilger, Paul Sloffer, and Ronald Felger. Kent Somers was absent.Also present: Chris Himsel, Gloria Shamanoff and Bill Mallers

I.C.5-14-1.5-6.1(b) 2(A): For discussion of strategy with respect to collective bargaining.

Mr.Himsel and Mr. Mallers presented information regarding collective bargaining.

No other business was discussed.

Meeting adjourned.

Board President Board Secretary


The Northwest Allen County Board of School Trustees met in regular session on Monday,August 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room. Members present:Mary Wysong, John Hilger, Paul Sloffer, and Ron Felger. Kent Somers was absent.Also present: Chris Himsel, Bill Mallers, Lisa Harris, and staff.

Motions herewith mentioned are unanimous unless otherwise stated.

President Mary Wysong called the meeting to order. Motion to approve the minutes of the July 29, 2013 executive session and regular meeting as presented by Ron Felger; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.


  1. RESIGNATIONSRhonda Banister, Cedar Canyon Instructional Assistant SE, resigned as of 8/12/13. Delaney Baumann, Carroll Middle Instructional Assistant, resigned as of 7/31/13. Kim DeWald, Oak View/PerryHill Half-day Kindergarten Shuttle Bus Driver, resigned as of 8/8/13. RoseFord, Eel River Instructional Assistant Prime Time, resigned as of 7/29/13. Kim Garner, Carroll High Instructional Assistant SE Job Coach, resigned as of 7/22/13.

David Houser, Bus Driver,resigned as of 8/6/13. Carla Howard, Hickory Center Instructional Assistant SE,resigned as of 6/3/13. Paige Myers, Maple Creek Long-Term Substitute Teacher,resigned as of 8/9/13. Tom Rash, Huntertown Custodian, resigned as of 8/9/13. LauraSims, Carroll High Food Service Assistant, resigned as of 8/6/13.

Julie Sweet, Carroll High Teacher, resigned as of 8/2/13. Dianne Woehnker, Technology Specialist,resigned as of 8/5/13. Stephanie Yoder, Arcola Instructional Assistant Literacy And Lunch/Recess, resigned as of 8/5/13.

  1. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTSBarbara Brewer, Huntertown Teacher, requested leave from 8/26/13 through approximately 10/4/13. Mollie Ohneck, Carroll High Teacher, requested leave from 8/13-27/13. ChristinaTichac, Carroll High Teacher, requested leave from 8/14/13-9/27/13.
  2. PERMISSION TO POST/HIRERequested permission to post/hire the following beginning with the 2013-14 School Year: Cedar Canyon 2nd Grade Teacher; Hickory Center 2ndGrade Teacher; Maple Creek English/Language Arts/Reading Teacher Grades 6-8; Transportation: Special Needs Bus Route; Huntertown: 2 Instructional Assistants SE 4 hours/day each(general fund); Special Education: Occupational Therapist additional .5 day/week (special ed. grant)
  3. CERTIFIED RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended the following:




Dawn Dice


Long-Term Substitute Teacher Effective 8/26/13 through approximately 10/4/13

Ivy Harrison

Carroll High

Special Education Teacher Effective 8/13/13

Kelly Lehman

Hickory Center

2nd Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/13

Kristen Lemley


Music Teacher 50% Effective 8/13/13

Lueretha Kay Mercer

Special Education

Teacher for the Visually Impaired 50% Effective 8/13/13

Shannon Meyers


Special Education Teacher 50% Effective 8/13/13

Paige Myers

Cedar Canyon

2nd Grade Teacher Effective 8/13/13

Page 2 August 12, 2013

  1. CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended the following:




Alyssa Ables

Carroll Middle

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14.13

Elsie Andrews

Carroll High

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Kerry Bryan

Eel River

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Carol Daman

Oak View

TRANSFER to Cedar Canyon Instructional Assistant SE

3.25 hours/day, 4 days/week Effective 8/14/13

Kimberly Darnielle


Instructional Assistant ELL 4 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Instructional Assistant Lunch/Recess .75 hour/day Effective 8/14/13 Total 4.75 hours/day

Jennifer Featherston

Carroll High

Instructional Assistant 3 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Jane Feldman

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant SE 3.5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Tracy Freeland

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant Lunch/Recess additional .25 hour/day Effective 8/14/13

Kim Ginder

Maple Creek

Instructional Assistant 7 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Jamie Goble

NACS Technology

Technology Specialist 8 hours/day, 192 days/year Effective 8/13/13

Amy Green

Special Ed.

Summer School Extended School Year 8/5-9/13 15 hours

Jennifer Henricks

Cedar Canyon

TRANSFER to Carroll High Instructional Assistant 4 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Kim Kamler

Carroll High

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Carmen Lewis

Eel River

Instructional Assistant SE 3 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Christine Lindhorst

Carroll High

Instructional Assistant SE 4 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Jennifer Lyons

Carroll High

Instructional Assistant 4 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Kelly Messmann

Carroll High

Carroll Middle

Hickory Center

TRANSFER to Special Needs Bus Driver Effective 8/14/13

Angela Monnell

Carroll High

Instructional Assistant 4 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Amanda Moore


Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Jodi Papagiannis

Carroll High

TRANSFER to Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Eff. 8/14/13

Shandolyn Parks

Special Education

School Psychologist Effective 8/13/13

Courtney Poor

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant ELL 4 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Karen Skinner

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Tonya Steele

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

Daniel Sullivan

NACS Technology

Technology Specialist 8 hours/day, 192 days/year Effective 8/14/13

Mindy Theard

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant SE 5 hours/day Effective 8/14/13

  1. EXTRACURRICULAR RESIGNATIONS Josh Clinkenbeard, Carroll Middle 8th Grade Basketball (F), resigned as of 7/28/13. Linda Clinkenbeard, Maple Creek Academic Coach (2.5 positions), resigned as of 8/2/13. Seth Slater, Carroll High Assistant Track, resigned as of 8/9/13.
  2. EXTRACURRICULAR RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended the following for the 2013-14 school year:




Alyssa Ables

Carroll Middle

8th Grade Assistant Football

Christopher Hicks

Carroll Middle

8th Grade Assistant Football

Brain Sherck

Carroll Middle

7th Grade Assistant Football

Abby Tigulis

Maple Creek

8th Grade Team Leader

Megan Yoder

Carroll High

Cross Country Volunteer

Motion to approve items A-Gby Paul Sloffer; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.

  1. TRAVEL REQUESTRequested approval of the following:








Brandon Basham

Carroll High


$ 267.00

Adm. Travel

Indiana School Safety Specialist

Training, Indianapolis, IN

Motion To approve by Ron Felger; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.


  1. COURSE AND CURRICULUM WAIVERRecommended approval of the enclosed Request for Non-Standard Courses and Curriculum Waiver for Business Courses. Motion to approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.

Mr. Himsel played the 2013 Senior Video that will be shown at the August 13, 2013 Staff Orientation Meeting.

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  1. CAPITAL PROJECTS EMERGENCY RESOLUTIONRecommended approval of the Capital Projects Emergency Resolution for $ 14,833.01. Motion to approve by John Hilger;seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.

Motion to approve claims and payroll, subject to audit, by Ron Felger; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.

Board Comments: Paul Sloffer asked Mr. Mallers to give an update on Bus Inspection.

Audience Comments: None

Motion to adjourn by Ron Felger; seconded by John Hilger.

Meeting adjourned.

Board President Board Secretary