Initiated by PEAK Teacher
While regrettable, it may occasionally become necessary for a student to leave the PEAK program. Before a student leaves, the following steps must be taken:
1. The PEAK teacher and the student must clearly identify the problems and suggest solutions. This Behavior Modification Plan will be put in writing and shared with parents and classroom
teachers. A specific amount of time will be given to successfully complete the goals of the plan.
2. The PEAK teacher will also talk with the student's parents about the situation and the Behavior Modification Plan. The solutions or timetable might be amended at this time.
3. If the student does not follow the plan, a meeting will be called. This meeting will include student, parents, PEAK teacher, classroom teacher and counselor. The possible results include:
~ Modification of the original Behavior Plan
~ A specific time period away from the PEAK program
~ Exit from the PEAK program
Initiated by Parents or Student
While regrettable, it may occasionally become necessary for a student to leave the PEAK program. Before a student leaves, the following steps must be taken:
1. Parents will discuss concerns with the PEAK teacher. 2. If parents still wish to consider exiting their child from the PEAK program, a meeting will be scheduled with the building principal, PEAK teacher, and classroom teacher. Possible alternatives
to exiting the student will be discussed, i.e. temporary or permanent exit, modifications in curriculum, etc.
3. If the parents wish to remove their child from PEAK, they will sign a form stating their intention.