2014-01-30 Minutes


The board met for the annual Board of Finance organizational meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 7:00p.m. at the Central Office Board Room. Those present: Mary Wysong, Paul Sloffer, John Hilger, Ron Felger and Kent Somers. Also present: Chris Himsel, Gloria Shamanoff, Bill Mallers, Lisa Harris, staff, reporters and patrons.

Motions herewith mentioned are unanimousunless otherwise stated.

President Mary Wysong called the meeting to order. Per NACS Bylaw 0151.1, Officers of the Board of Finance are the same as the Board of School Trustees. Mrs. Wysong, President and Mr. Sloffer, Secretary.

Mr. Mallers recommended Garrett State Bank as the depository selection. Motion to accept by John Hilger; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried. Mr. Mallers presented checks issued by NACS that have not been cashed in a two-year time period that need board approval for deletion. Motion to delete checks as presented by Ron Felger; seconded by Kent Somers. Motion carried. Mr. Mallers reported on the investments and interest earned as follows: General Fund $27,623.94 and Health Insurance Fund $13,795.72; Total $41,419.66. Per NACS Investment Income Policy # 6144, recommended investment income be receipted into the General Fund; with the exception of investment income calculated and receipted separately for the Health Insurance Fund. Motion to approve by Kent Somers; seconded by Ron Felger. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by Ron Felger; seconded by Paul Sloffer.

Meeting adjourned.

Board President Board Secretary