2015-05-26 Minutes


The Northwest Allen County Board of School Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room. Members present: Ron Felger, Kent Somers, Paul Sloffer, Liz Hathaway and John Hilger. Also present: Chris Himsel, Bill Mallers, Lisa Harris, staff, students, patrons and reporters.

Motions herewith mentioned are unanimous unless otherwise stated.

President Ron Felger called the meeting to order. Motion to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2015 regular meeting as presented by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.


A. RESIGNATIONSNicole Beasley, Oak View Teacher, resigned as of the end of the 2014-15 school year. Ellen Curtis, Natatorium Aquatic Worker, resigned as of 6/4/15. Patricia Pee, Carroll 9th Food Service Assistant, resigned as of 5/29/15. Linda Spurrier, Carroll 9th Food Service Assistant, resigned as of 6/4/15. Rick Trent, Oak View and Perry Hill Mower, resigned as of 5/22/15. Jessica Turner, Carroll High Food Service Assistant, resigned as of 5/22/15. Tynan Wilson, Carroll High Long-term Substitute Teacher, resigned as of 5/22/15.

B. INTENT TO RETIRE Cheryl Wagoner, Huntertown Counselor, submitted her intent to retire as of the end of the 2014-15 school year.

C. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTSRecommended the following:





Alex Beeching




Cindy Bermes

Carroll High



Susan Crowell


Instructional Assistant


Kara Hevel



5/12 p.m. -5/13/15

Mari Huelsenbeck

Eel River



Alexandra Lew

Oak View



Mollie Ohneck

Carroll High


4/30/15 and 5/14/15

Jaimie Ormiston

Carroll High

Food Service Assistant


Daniel Ryan

Maple Creek



Karen Skinner

Perry Hill

Instructional Assistant


Abby Tigulis

Maple Creek



D. CERTIFIED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended the following:




Bob Ahlersmeyer

Carroll High


Summer Session 2, July 6-16, 20-24, 2015, 70 hours

Amy Archbold


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Jennifer Ashley


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day

Effective 7/7, 7/9, 7/14, 7/16/15

Jennifer Baron

Carroll High


Summer Session I, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours

Lisa Barranda

Carroll High

Algebra I

Substitute June 15-19, 2015, 25 hours

Alex Beeching


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Alan Bodenstein

Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Steven Boomershine

Carroll High


Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Shannon Brinneman


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Heather Bucher


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Tonya Burns-Cohrs

Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Leslie Clark

Carroll High

US History

Summer Session 1, June 8, 10, 12-24, 2015, 55 hours

Rollie Clements

Carroll High


Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-10, June 12-26, July 9-24, 2015, 130 hours

Tonne Coil


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Megan Cripe

Carroll High


Summer School Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Kayla Davisson

Carroll High

ENL Plus+ Instructor 6/8-25/15, 38.5 hours

Page 2 May 26, 2015

Certified Recommendations Cont'd

Teri Delagrange

Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Steve Driver

Carroll High

US History

Substitute June 9, 11, 25-26, 2015, 20 hours

Zack England

Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Chris Etter

Carroll High


Substitute June 11 and July 6-8, 2015, 20 hours

Lucy Fisher


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Phil Frazier

Carroll High

Summer School Assistant Band, 80 hours

Carol Gaff

Eel River


ELL Summer Camp Instructor 6/9-11/15, 10 hours

Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day

Effective 6/16, 6/18, 6/ 23, 6/ 25, 7/7/15

Jaima Garman


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Nicole Germann


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Becky Gongwer


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Julie Gordy

Carroll High


Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours

Marie Hanes

Carroll High

Algebra II

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Ivy Harrison

Carroll High

Special Education Summer Program

Mild Disabilities

Session 2, July 6-24, 2015, 20 hours

Doug Hassell

Carroll High

Summer School Head Band, 80 hours



Carroll High

Algebra I

Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours



Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours

Kourtney Hopf

Carroll High

Special Education Summer Program

Mild Disabilities

Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 28 hours

Nanette Houser


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

6/16, 6/18, 6/23, 6/25,7/7, 7/9, 7/23/15

Barb Kiplinger

Carroll High

ENL Plus+ Director and Instructor 49.5 hours June 8-26, 2015

Michael Klein

Carroll High


Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Anna Lake


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Daniel Lestinsky

Carroll High


Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours



Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 150 hours

Shane Merryman

Carroll High

Physical Education

Summer Session 2, July 6-24, 2015, 75 hours

Kristy Moeller

Carroll High


Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours

Tyler Olinske

Carroll High

Long-term Substitute Teacher Extension 6/6-24/15

Melissa Rife

Carroll High

Special Education and Extended Year Program

Mild Disabilities

Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-July 24, 2015, 16 hours

Kent Scholz

Carroll High

Algebra I

Summer Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-12, June 22-26 and July 6-24, 2015, 125 hours

Kara Screeton


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Stacey Selby


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Brian Sherck

Carroll High

Special Education Summer Program

Mild Disabilities

Sessions 1 & 2, June 8-July 24, 2015, 10 hours

Seth Slater

Carroll High


Substitute July 17, 2015, 5 hours

Jasmine Sloffer


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Tim Sloffer

Carroll High

Algebra I

Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours


Summer Session 2, July 6-24, 2015, 75 hours

Nikki Strasser


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day

Effective 6/16, 6/18, 6/23, 6/25, 7/21, 7/23/15

Page 3 May 26, 2015

Certified Recommendations Cont'd

Colleen Sullivan


Elementary Summer Program Teacher 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Kay Yoder

Carroll High


Summer Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 75 hours

E. CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended the following:




Kim Barroquillo


Elementary Summer Program Secretary 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Amanda Brown

Eel River

ELL Summer Camp Instructional Assistant 6/9/15-7/23/15, 18 hours

Daniel Canaveral

Eel River

Carroll High

ELL Summer Camp & ENL Plus+ Instructional Assistant

6/8/15-7/23/15, 49.5 hours

Sandy Canaveral

Eel River

Carroll High

ELL Summer Camp & ENL Plus+ Instructional Assistant

6/8/15-7/23/15, 49.5 hours

Becky Cohen

Hickory Center

Summer Custodian 7 hours/day, 4 days/week, 6 weeks Eff. 7/2/15

Melanie Creek



Elementary Summer Program Nurse 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Kassie Fisher

Eel River

ELL Summer Camp Instructional Assistant 6/9/15-7/23/15, 18 hours

Carlene Gray


Elementary Summer Program librarian 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Michele Gross

Eel River

ELL Summer Camp Co-Director 6/9/15-7/23/15, 54 hours

Kent Henley

Oak View

Perry Hill

Mower 6 hours/week Effective 5/27/15

Mower 8 hours/week Effective 5/27/15

Shelli Lipinski

Eel River

ELL Summer Camp Instructional Assistant 6/9/15-7/23/15, 45 hours

Sandra Mobley

Carroll Middle

Food Service Assistant 4.25 hours/day Effective 5/27/15

Julie Myers

Eel River

ELL Summer Camp Instructional Assistant 6/9/15-7/23/15, 18 hours

Elaine Reder


Elementary Summer Program Librarian 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

Asmira Skrgic

Carroll High

Food Service Assistant 3 hours/day Effective 5/27/15

Beth Wiltberger

Eel River

ELL Summer Camp Co-Director June 9-July 23, 2015, 54 hours




Elementary Summer Program Secretary 2 hours/day 2 days/week

June 16-July 23, 2015

F. EXTRACURRICULAR RESIGNATIONS Donnetta Betley, Carroll High Head Softball, resigned as of the end of the 2014-15 season. Zack England, Carroll High Assistant Soccer (M), resigned as of 5/22/15. Jeremy Heidenreich, Carroll Middle Head Cross Country (F), resigned as of 5/15/15.

G. HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION Requested approval of the following:#14-20, Carroll High Student, at a maximum of 20 hours/week, beginning 5/18/15-6/19/15. Teacher assignment: Jennifer Baron.

H. PERMISSION TO POST/HIRE Requested permission to post/hire the following:

  1. Special Education Hearing Impaired Interpreter at Carroll High for 2015 Summer School and Extended School Year programs June 8-26 and July 6-24, 2015 up to 155 hours.

  2. Additional Certified and Classified staff for the Carroll High 2015 Summer School and Extended School Year programs as follows:

    1. Certified - 1 Algebra I Teacher, Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 5 hours/day

    2. Certified - 1 Geometry Teacher, Session 1, June 8-26, 2015, 5 hour/day

    3. Classified - 1 Nurse, Session 1, June 8-26, 2105, 1 day/5 hours

    4. Classified - 1 Nurse, Session 2, July 6-24, 2015, 1 day/2 hours

  3. Additional Certified and Classified staff beginning with the 2015-16 school year as follows:

  • Carroll High - Certified

  1. 2 Mathematics Teachers

  2. 1 English/Language Arts Teacher

  3. .5 Biology Teacher

  4. .5 Chemistry or Physics Teacher

  5. 1 Project Lead The Way Teacher

  6. .5 Mild Disabilities Teacher

  7. .17 Dance Teacher

  • Maple Creek - Certified

  1. 2 Career Skills or Core Subject Areas Teachers

  2. .5 Guidance Counselor

  • Carroll Middle - Certified

  1. 2 Career Skills or Core Subject Area Teachers

  2. .5 Guidance Counselor

  3. .5 Mild Disabilities Teacher

Page 4 May 26, 2015

Permission to Post/Hire Cont'd

  • Grades 5-12 - Certified

  1. .5 Guidance Counselor for Life Skills Classes

  • Elementary - Certified

  1. 2 Guidance Counselors

  2. 8 K-5 Teachers

  3. .5 Half-Day Kindergarten Teacher

  4. 1 PEAK Teacher

  5. 1 Music Teacher

  6. 1 Art Teacher

  7. .5 Physical Education Teacher

  • NACS - Certified

  1. .4 Hearing Impaired Teacher

  2. .2 Visually Impaired Teacher

  3. .5 Speech/Language Pathologist

  4. .5 Pre-School Coordinator

  • NACS - Classified

a. .1 Occupational Therapist

Motion to approve items A-H by Kent Somers; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.

I. FACILITY USE REQUEST Arcola Volunteer Fire Department requested permission to use the Arcola School parking lot and grounds for the annual Tractor Pull 7/9-11/15 and that the fee be waived. Motion to approve by John Hilger; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.

J. TRAVEL REQUEST Requested approval of the following:








Amy Cox

Carroll High



Acad. Honors

AP Summer Institute -

Spanish Language and Culture

Muncie, IN

Motion to approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Kent Somers. Motion carried.


A. 2015-16 TEXTBOOK ADOPTION Requested permission to adopt the Textbooks as enclosed beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Motion to approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.

B. SCHOOL START/END TIMES RECOMMENDATION Requested approval of the enclosed School Start/End Times. Motion to approve by Kent Somers; seconded by John Hilger. Motion carried.


A. CAPITAL PROJECTS RESOLUTION Recommended approval of the enclosed Resolution for Emergency Appropriation for Capital Projects $18,525.00. Motion to approve by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.

B. CORPORATION PURCHASES Building Corporation Purchases - $29,509.94 Motion to approve by John Hilger; seconded by Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.

C. CORPORATION PAYMENTS Building Corporation Payments - $9,705.30. Motion to approve by Kent Somers; seconded Liz Hathaway. Motion carried.

Motion to approve claims and payroll, subject to audit, Liz Hathaway; seconded by Paul Sloffer. Motion carried.

Board Comments: Chris Himsel recognized the CHS Band for earning an "All State" award and reminded everyone that CHS Graduation is June 7, 2015 at the Fort Wayne War Memorial Coliseum.

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Audience Comments: None

Motion to adjourn by Paul Sloffer; seconded by Liz Hathaway.

Meeting adjourned.

Board President Board Secretary