Congratulations to the Moses Lake School District Human Resource Specialists Molly Kisler, Miranda Morrison, and Lyss Johnson!
This team is the first recipient of the Moses Lake School District “Tokens of Success” Award for achieving and continuing to meet the district strategic goal of effectively managing resources through system-wide efficiency. These ladies are leaders in the Human Resources Department and have streamlined an online application process that better utilizes resources when processing District substitutes creating fewer unfilled substitute positions.
The Moses Lake School District set two strategic goals this year, with one developing system-wide efficiencies resulting in a reduction of 5 percent of general fund expenditures. Through the development of system-wide efficiencies, we will effectively manage our human, fiscal, legal, and professional learning resources.
When interviewing this team it was stated, “If we provide resources, a good experience, and show our substitutes that they are valued and appreciated, they will want to stay.”
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