• Facility Rental FAQs

    School facilities are provided primarily for the education of students and that use will always be given first priority. District facilities are available for community use when the activity is consistent with the best interest of the district and does not interfere with the regular conduct of the educational program. Since school district financial resources are limited and community use of facilities can result in significant costs, the district may recover some or all of these costs pursuant to Education Code Section 38134.

    • Does my organization need to provide a Certificate of Insurance? – Applicant must submit a certificate of insurance no less than seven (7) business days prior to actual facility use. This certificate shall show that they are properly insured ($1,000,000 general liability with combined single-limit or bodily injury and property damage). In addition, this certificate shall name the Mill Valley School District (MVSD) as an “additional insured,” without obligation for payment of premium payments. The application agrees that at all times the school facilities remain under the control of the agents of the governing board of the Mill Valley School District. The applicant must agree to hold Mill Valley School District, its Board of Trustees, the individual members thereof, and all district officers, agents, and employees free and harmless from any loss, damage, liability, cost, or expense that may arise out of or be caused in any way by the applicant's use of district facilities. The user must furnish proof of liability or other insurance for the protection of the school district as the school district agent may require.
    • Do I need to pre-pay for my facility rental? – When possible, please pre-pay your facility rental fees unless an alternative payment plan is coordinated with the MVSD. Please pay by check will include total facility use fees as invoiced by the MVSD.
    • What happens if I need to cancel my reservation? – If you need to cancel a facility rental lease, please contact Cyd Amaral . In the event of cancellation by the District, a full refund will be issued. In the event of cancellation by the applicant for a short-term event, a full refund will be issued as well. In the event of a summer camp or long-term facility booking, a cancellation fee of 50% will be charged.
    • What am I responsible for?  - The applicant agrees that they will be financially responsible for any damages or losses sustained to the school building, furniture, equipment or grounds, accruing through the occupancy or use of said facilities by the applicant. Costs will be determined by the District in cooperation with the building administrator. Failure to pay promptly for such damage is grounds for denial of future school facility use. Users are responsible for the condition in which they leave the facilities. 
    • Am I able to rent a facility during a holiday? - Facilities will not be available to rent during legal holidays. Please refer to our calendar for those dates.
    • What is not allowed on MVSD campuses? - The applicant certifies that they have been informed that MVSD policy maintains a tobacco-free environment and the applicant agrees to announce the District’s tobacco-free policy at events being held by their group on MVSD property. The applicant certifies that they have been informed that it is MVSD's policy that animals are not allowed anywhere on MVSD school grounds. Facility users agree not to discriminate against anyone on any basis pursuant to state and federal law. No alcoholic beverages, intoxicants, or controlled substances in any form shall be brought on to the property of the District. Violation of this regulation shall be justification for immediate termination of the event, closing of the facility and denial of future use requests. The applicant agrees to enforce the District’s policy at events being held by their group on MVSD property. The applicant agrees to abide by the hours stipulated in this permit and will be expected to have all individuals participating in the activity out of the rented property at the expiration of the time authorized in this permit. Any permit for the use of the school facilities may be revoked without prior notice where conflicting dates have resulted or where need for the property for public school purposes has subsequently developed.
    • What happens in the case of a schedule conflict? - In the case of a schedule conflict, first priority will be given to the school function and will suspend the permit of the holder.
    • Who is responsible for facility-related board policies and procedures? - The Assistant Superintendent of Business Services is responsible for the coordination, interpretation, and implementation of Board policies and procedures and the determination of a fee schedule for the use of facilities.
    • What is the district priority for the use of facilities? It goes as follows:
      • School and school-sponsored groups, clubs and student body organizations
      • School-connected groups (e.g. PTA, Booster clubs, employee bargaining units and/or organizations).
      • Community youth organizations formed for educational and/or recreational interests of the citizens of the community.
      • Community adult organizations formed for educational and/or recreational interests of the citizens of the community.
      • Other approved groups
    • Are there exceptions to the fee schedule? - Groups and organizations whose activities are open to the general public and whose net receipts, fees, and contributions are expended for the welfare of the pupils of the Mill Valley School District or for charitable purposes may be charged a facility use fee that will not exceed direct costs.
    • How do we get keys to the school we are renting? - School keys must remain in the possession of the authorized camp personnel or facility renter. Keys can be picked up from the school office on the Friday prior to a weekend event. Please coordinate key-pickup with the school administrative assistant.
    • Can we use outdoor facilities when it rains? - Use of school playing fields is not permitted while it is raining or if the field is wet and such activity will be harmful to the playing surface and when such conditions may present a safety hazard to users. 
    • Can an approved facility rental be revoked? - Yes, an approved rental may be revoked with reasonable notice when school facilities are needed for school purposes. 
    • Can I request facility rentals in advance? - No facility use permit will be granted for a period exceeding one year. The district operates on a fiscal year beginning July 1. Facility rentals submitted during the summer for fall or winter usage will not be approved until school administrative assistants return from summer break and create their site calendars.