Focus Group: Structure for the Return to School - Middle School

  • Questions/Issues to Explore:


    • What are the different learning structure options for students’ return to school?
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different learning structures?
    • How do different learning structures impact stakeholders (e.g. students with special needs, teachers, working parents, etc.)
    • How do different learning structures impact learning?
    • How do structure options fit with state and county health department guidelines?
    • How is the typical school year calendar impacted by various structures?


    Potential general scenarios for learning in the fall:


    • Traditional Learning:  School buildings open with intensive mitigation strategies, student cohorts, and physical distancing
    • Hybrid Model: Limited or staggered use of school buildings. May result in alternating schedules and remote learning.
    • Remote Learning: Implement remote learning district wide.


    The district is planning for all models. However, the model used will be determined based on whether our county is experiencing low, moderate or wide spread of the virus, state and county health guidance, and best practice for the health and safety of students and staff.


    Focus Group Reports 

    When available

  • Focus Group Meeting Dates

    June 4, 9-10am Full Task Force Meeting


    June 15, 8:30-9:30am Structure for the Return to School - Middle School Focus Group Meeting


    June 18, 9-10am Full Task Force Meeting