MMSD Acceptable Use Policy (Policy 4.406)
Parent/Guardian Permissions
Parent/guardian permission is required for students under the age of eighteen to participate in some school related activities. Please review the explanations of each of the permissions listed. A Student Acceptable Use of Network and Electronic Media Agreement/Parent/Guardian Permissions Form is embedded within this handbook and will serve to grant or deny permissions in each of these areas. Unless the parent follows the specified procedure below, the choice will be recorded as a Yes.
If you wish to disallow the below mentioned areas in part or in whole, please log in to the Parent Portal here: and update the “AUP/Email/Media/EduApps Form” within the first two weeks of the school year. If you need assistance with this, please reach out to the school your child attends.
A. Student Acceptable Use and Independent Internet Access
We are pleased to offer students of Millington Municipal Schools access to district electronic resources. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence in our system by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. Electronic resources provide students with access to vast amounts of information and numerous opportunities for communication to enhance their educational experience.
Our intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives. However, parents/guardians should be warned that if students disregard the guidelines of the school and/or system, they may find ways to access materials via the Internet which may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people. We believe that the benefits to students from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration, exceed any disadvantages.
Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, Millington Municipal Schools support and respect each family’s right to decide whether or not to approve independent internet access and communication. In accordance with MMSD Policy #4.406 and to gain independent access to the Internet, all students under the age of 18 must obtain parental/guardian permission and must sign and return the Student Agreement Form - Acceptable Use of Network and Electronic Media (Parent/Guardian Permission Form) to the Principal or designee. Students over 18 may sign their own forms.
Student Responsibilities
Electronic resources are provided for students to enhance the learning experience. Access to services is given to students who agree to act in a responsible manner. Parent/guardian permission is required for independent access. Student use must be consistent with the educational objectives of Millington Municipal Schools.
Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or school hallway. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communications apply to all such communications.
If a student observes any illegal activities or misuse of the network, he/she shall report these activities to their supervising teacher.
Computer, network, and cloud storage areas will be treated like school lockers. Network and/or school administrators and teachers may review files, bookmarks, and communications under the same standards set for school lockers to insure integrity of electronic media. Privacy is not guaranteed for files stored on District computers, servers, or in the cloud, nor will they be maintained indefinitely.
Declaration of Student
As a student user of Millington Municipal Schools’ electronic resources, I hereby agree to comply with the rules as outlined in the Student Acceptable Use of Network and Electronic Media Agreement and to communicate over the network in an appropriate fashion while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions. I also agree that if I observe any illegal activities or misuse of the network, I will report those activities to my supervising teacher.
School and Parent Responsibility
Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. During school, teachers will guide students toward appropriate materials. Outside of school and with independent access, parents/guardians bear the same responsibility for such guidance as they exercise with information sources such as television, telephones, movies, social media, and other potentially offensive media.
Schools will ensure that procedures for access and standards of conduct regarding Internet use are communicated to students through appropriate instruction on Internet Safety. It is presumed that students given access will comply with District standards and will honor the agreements they have signed. The District cannot be responsible for ideas and concepts that a student may gain by his or her inappropriate use of the Internet.
Declaration of Parent
As the parent or legal guardian of the minor student or as a student 18 years of age or older, I have read this handbook and I grant permissions for this student in the following areas:
- This student has permission to independently access the Internet (3rd grade and older).
- Millington Schools has permission to publish this student’s image, likeness or work, on the Internet.
- Millington Schools has permission to allow unrestricted media coverage of this student.
- Millington Municipal Schools has permission to publish directory information as defined under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)**
I understand that some objectionable materials may be accessed even with District content filtering in place. I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for violations. I will accept responsibility for guidance of Internet use by setting and conveying standards for my son/daughter to follow when exploring on-line information and media on an independent basis. Millington Municipal Schools cannot be responsible for ideas and concepts that my child may gain by his or her inappropriate use of the Internet.
I understand and accept the conditions stated and agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless, the City of Millington, the Millington Schools Board of Education, and/or their employees or agents from any and all claims and liability associated with or arising from the above student’s independent use and/or access to the Internet.
If you, the parent or guardian, wish to disallow the below mentioned areas in part or in whole, please log in to the Parent Portal here: and update the “AUP/Email/Media/EduApps Form” within the first two weeks of the school year. If you need assistance with this, please reach out to the school your child attends.
Student Email
Students will be assigned an e-mail account unless expressly declined by the parent or guardian. It is STRONGLY encouraged to allow email access for your child. District email is for educational purposes only and will be monitored and is subject to audit at any time. If you, the parent or guardian, opts to not allow email access, students will still be held accountable for all assignments and projects that are assigned by their teacher in conjunction with their enrolled class even if email access is required to complete a project or assignment. If students are not granted permission to use e-mail, other Office 365 tools will still be available to them.
Google Apps and Office 365 Apps for Education
Students will be assigned a Google Apps for Education and Office 365 Apps for Education account unless expressly declined by the parent or guardian. It is STRONGLY encouraged to allow access to these accounts for your child. District accounts are for educational purposes only and will be monitored and are subject to audit at any time. If you, the parent or guardian, opts to not allow access, students will still be held accountable for all assignments and projects that are assigned by their teacher in conjunction with their enrolled class even if access is required to complete a project or assignment. Information about data privacy and collection can be accessed by navigating tho the following links:
Google Apps for Education -
Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Education and Email -
Declaration of Student
I understand that Millington Municipal Schools’ email accounts are for educational purposes only and are provided as a privilege by Millington Municipal Schools. Any misuse of the Millington Municipal School email system will result in immediate cancellation of my account. Malicious and/or illegal misuse of my email account, computer files or system network could result in legal prosecution.
As a student of Millington Municipal Schools, I hereby state that I have read and understand the Use of Internet and Internet Safety Policy # 4.406, and that I agree to comply with the provisions stated therein.
I further state that I understand the following:
- Teachers, network and/or site administrators may review any files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that students are using the system responsibly. All student email is archived in accordance with Federal regulation.
- Files and any other information or communication stored on any electronic equipment owned or operated by Millington Municipal Schools are not private and will not be maintained indefinitely.
- Failure to abide by the terms of this agreement may result in disciplinary action up to criminal prosecution by government authorities.
If you, the parent or guardian, wish to disallow the below mentioned areas in part or in whole, please log in to the Parent Portal here: and update the “AUP/Email/Media/EduApps Form” within the first two weeks of the school year. If you need assistance with this, please reach out to the school your child attends.
District Electronic Access and Internet Rules
The following are not permitted and will result in disciplinary action:
- Violating existing Board policy including, but not limited to, policy #4.406 or municipal, state, or federal statute
- Violating copyright laws
- Selling or purchasing illegal items or substances
- Using electronic resources for non-instructional purposes
- Using obscene language
- Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
- Harassing, insulting, threatening, attacking others, or cyber-bullying
- Making damaging or false statements about others
- Intentionally spreading viruses or malicious software
- Sharing personal login information or using another person’s log-in
- Publishing personal information (name, address, photograph) without teacher/parent consent or approval
- Using an email account at school other than one provided by the District
- Using District-provided email for non-instructional purposes, including but not limited to impersonating others or for sending anonymous email
- Using personal electronic devices at school without appropriate permission
- Attempting to bypass network security to gain unauthorized access to information, pursue “hacking,” or attempting to access information protected by privacy laws
- Using the network for commercial purposes or promoting a personal business, non-government related fund raising, or solicitation for religious purposes or lobbying
- Intentionally wasting limited resources
The use of Millington Municipal Schools electronic resources is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of privileges and may lead to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. Access entails responsibility. System administrators will deem what is inappropriate use, and their decision is final.
Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the local school level in keeping with existing procedures and practices regarding inappropriate language or behavior. When applicable, law enforcement agencies or legal action may be involved.
B. Web Publishing
Websites owned and operated by Millington Municipal Schools have been established as a dynamic forum to educate and inform the public. They serve as a communication vehicle to publicize goals, accomplishments, activities, and services of the District and of each school. Intended audiences include: students, parents, prospective parents, employees, prospective employees, and the community at large. All content contained on the web site is consistent with the educational aims of the District. In accordance with MMSD policy #4.407, student work will not be published on any Millington Municipal Schools web site without the express consent of the parent or guardian of a minor student (those under 18 years of age). This permission is indicated on the Student Agreement Form Acceptable Use of Network and Electronic Media (Parent/Guardian Permission).
In order to safeguard students, the following procedures have been established:
- The name of a student will not be published in conjunction with a picture or video of that student on any
Millington Municipal Schools’ web site unless there is a special reason for doing so, such as recognition for receiving an award. Likewise, personal information about students will not be published. (Millington Municipal Schools Policy #4.407)
2. Student work may be published on a Millington Municipal Schools’ web site under the following guidelines;
- Grades K-8 – Authors of electronically published work may be identified only by first name. Schools may choose to let students adopt “net names.”
- Grades 9-12 – Authors of electronically published work may be identified by first and last name.
- All student work published must pertain to a class project, course, or other school-related activity.
C. Public Media (Policy 6.604)
Millington Municipal Schools periodically issues information or permits media coverage to highlight student accomplishments. This may include, but not limited to, a student making the honor roll, taking part in a school activity, receiving an award, or participating in sports. In addition, Millington Municipal Schools may want to use your child’s photograph, likeness, voice, or student work for promotional and educational reasons, such as in publications, posters, brochures, and newsletters, on the District or school website, radio station or Cable TV channel, or at community fairs or district special events. In accordance with MMSD Social Media Policies # 4.407 and 6.604, Millington Municipal Schools student pictures, video, likeness, voice, names, or student work will not be released to the public media without the express consent of the parent of guardian of a minor student (those under 18 years of age). This permission is indicated on the Student Acceptable Use of Network and Electronic Media User Agreement (Parent/Guardian Permissions) Form.
D. 1 to 1 Learning Device Use and Assignment
All students in grades 3rd through 12th will be assigned a 1 to 1 learning device. These devices are to be used solely for educational purposes. The instructional use is at educator discretion; however, issuance of the device is mandatory as it is a curricular need and part of the course curriculum is available solely online.