Please visit to create an account
Click on Sign in with Google, you will need to sign in with your school email address and password. Once you get in and accept the permissions you will be directed to a screen to complete your myPromethean account, like the below image.
You will want to fill in the country/region and language for the job in your organization choose teacher. Check the box if you want to receive an email then check the box that you agree.
Click create an account. If you get an error, just try to log in again and you should be good to go.
There are primarily two types in the Resource Library, Flipcharts and Whiteboard files. The Flipchart files you can download and use the ActivInspire software to edit the files. The Whiteboard files you can save to your collection and use directly on the Promethean Panels when they are installed. You can organize your resources by using My Collections and creating categories if you choose to make them easier to find later. Here is a video on the whiteboard files
Any whiteboard files you create we would recommend you save them in your Google Drive in a folder called Promethean files. That way if you switch classrooms all your files will already be saved in Google versus on the panel itself.