
We are excited to launch our Mustang apparel sale!!

Squad Locker


We are going through SquadLocker which allows us to be flexible with our offerings. Be sure to click on the product as there are multiple logos available for many of the products. Size guides are available for each product as well.

The store is open 24/7/365!!! This makes it easier for purchasing items as purchases can be made at any time throughout the year!!

🗒Orders are shipped directly to you versus being sent to the school.

📦Shipping does take approximately 2 weeks after your order is submitted.

There are MANY options to choose from. Hope you find something you and your family will enjoy. If there is something you are interested in but do not see it in the store, send us a message and we can take a look and possibly get it added for you. 

All groups are welcome to contact us to have additional items/logos added. 
Quick overview for those interested in having items added to the store:

There can be several logo and color options available per item
You may provide a logo or have one designed for you
There is no charge to participate
No profits are being made by The Marion Mustang Booster Club 
No hassles with delivering items - all are shipped directly to the individual
Store open 365 days a year

Questions or Concerns Please Email:

[email protected] or [email protected]