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Our students leave school prepared to be successful in college and to compete for the jobs of tomorrow.

CTE will equip you with highly marketable skills and abilities, while also fostering your creative problem solving and the ability to "own your own thinking."

CTE can help you discover what you are interested in during high school before selecting a college major or career choice.

By clicking through these pages, you'll easily learn about the pathways you can take to prepare for your future beyond high school.


[email protected]

315-361-5700 (phone)
315-361-5880 (fax)

Whether you are planning to start your career right out of high school, or go on to college, Career & Technical Education (CTE) gives you the tools and support you need to help you see your dreams come true.

Madison Oneida BOCES: Greater Education for a Greater World from Knight Media on Vimeo