My name is Rachel de St. Germain, but everyone calls me Mrs. De, and I will be teaching you English Language Arts and Social Studies. This is my 18th year to teach at TTAC, and I just love this school! My passion for teaching began as a child playing teacher to my stuffed animals, and there is no better job in this world because I get to spend it with children like you every day.
I am married to Bob de St. Germain, and we have five grown daughters, one of which many of you had as a teacher last year, Mrs. Ariel. We also have a sweet grand baby named Avery. I am originally from Louisiana, and you will be able to tell right away after hearing me speak. We moved here in 2003, and I have been teaching at TTAC ever since. I am so thankful that God chose this path in life for me and that he blessed me with every single one of you!