Canvas and Clever Log ins for iPads. Helpful reminders for the k-2 iPads with Canvas and Clever apps.
Update Safe Return to School Plan Please review the current plan for updates to the following: Quarantining due to close contact Isolation/quarantine days Mask wearing upon return 6 foot rule
TTAC Third Nine Weeks Testing Schedule Please make note of the dates for student exams for 3rd 9 weeks.
Progress Reports Term 3 Third nine weeks progress reports will be sent home with students Thursday, February 10, 2022. Please call the school if you have additional questions.
Cheer Tryouts! Cheer clinic and tryouts are coming up here at TTAC. Please mark these dates down on your calendar if you would like to try out for cheer.
TTAC Basketball Schedule 2021 Please come out and support our TTAC Lions during our 2021 Basketball Season!