Millville Elementary School Community Council
January 18, 2023, 8:30 AM
Conference RoomMeeting Minutes
Attendees: Brady Johnson, Cameron Raymond, Brittany Wall
Absent: Tom Davis, Kara Everton, Merilee Livingston
Discussion Items:
- Mr. Duersch has received complaints about the snow piles by the road and the parking lots blocking traffic. They are being reduced currently.
- Complaints from the community about the calendaring issue with January 2nd not being observed as the federal holiday.
- Pick-up and drop-off safety concerns regarding the placement of the school zone signs, the traffic and cars not following the procedures. Brad Gibbons, the administrative intern, is working on solutions.
Trust Lands and TSSA budgets from this year were reviewed and discussed with the majority of the budgets going towards our paraprofessionals. The council felt this was a beneficial place to use the funds.
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting: February 8, 2023
Printable Version: MIllville Elementary SCC Minutes January 2023