Millville Elementary 2021-2022Millville Elementary will focus on two goals for this current school year.
Goal #1: By May 2022, Millville Elementary will conduct a student well-being screener in grades K-6 for fall, winter and spring to assist with identifying students who may benefit from behavioral or social/emotional support.
The screener will enable us to identify at-risk students and provide them with support. As we compare the screener results from fall to winter and winter to spring, we can determine the effectiveness of our school counselor’s presentations and individual work with students. The number of referrals to the school counselor will also be monitored.
Plan for Goal #1:
- The screener will be reviewed by the school principal and the school counselor to identify students who may have elevated risk for internalizing or externalizing factors that impact school academic achievement, attendance, behavior, social-emotional wellness or mental health.
- Counselors will consult with grade level PLC teams and individual teachers to determine appropriate tier one support in the general classroom as well as throughout the school.
- Teachers and counselors may consult with the school TAG teams to plan targeted tier two and tier three interventions to address concerning areas.
This goal falls under the category of Behavior Support-Multitiered. $17,002.00 has been allocated to this goal.
Goal #2: Identified students receiving paraprofessional support will score 70% or better on their grade level assessments through tier 1, 2 & 3 instruction.
Plan for Goal #2:
- Paraprofessionals will assist teachers and students to increase mastery of curriculum standards in both regular education and special education settings.
- Students will be assessed both formally and informally by their classroom teacher and paraprofessionals to determine academic progress.
- Aides will be hired as needed. We will identify these needs through assessments.
- Aides will be trained by our Reading Facilitator, teachers, and District trainings.
- Staff will monitor student progress and needs monthly throughout the year. We will know we are being successful as these students demonstrate academic growth.
- The paraprofessionals will provide support in core instruction in our highest need classes as well s support student’s IEP needs through special education.
- Training will also be provided to support behavior needs as they arise.
This goal falls under the category of Highest Academic Need and Behavior Support – Multitiered.
Funds will be used to hire paraprofessionals. We have allocated $47,238.00 for this goal.
Our total TSSA Funds for 2021-2022 is $64240.00.
2021-2022 School Goals with TSSA Funds - Printable