• Millville Elementary School Community Council Minutes

    March 9, 2022

    Meeting Minutes

    Attendees:  Brady Johnson, Emily Sorenson, Merilee Livingston
    Absent:  Anjie Johnson, Tom Davis, Kara Everton

    Discussion Items:

    An amendment to the School Land Trust Funds plan was presented to the School Board on Thursday, March 3, 2022. This will be finalized and presented to the School Board March 17, 2022.


    Millville Elementary School will increase the percentage of students at benchmark by 3% from fall to spring as measured by the ACADIENCE assessment in grades kindergarten through sixth for the 2022-23 school year.


    The Millville Elementary Community Council reviewed data from ACADIENCE to determine reading/l anguage arts to be the most critical academic need here at Millville Elementary School. The ACADIENCE test will be administered in the fall, winter and spring to measure the growth of kindergarten through sixth grade students in regards to reading. Our hop students at benchmark in the fall will increase by 3% by the spring.

    Action Steps:

    1. Millville Elementary students in kindergarten through sixth grade receive small group, direct reading instruction taught by classroom teachers an23 d trained paraprofessionals. The expected expense for the paraprofessional’s salaries and benefits will be $64,000.00
    2. Teachers will meet, at minimum, each fall, winter and spring following the ACADIENCE assessment with the literacy facilitator and principa l to discuss student progress, needs and possible adjustments to their programs to improve learning outcomes.
    3. Necessary software (Follett) will be purchased for the library and continued funding of the Reading Counts program to encourage the student body to read. The cost will be $2500.00.

    Of the estimated allocation from the state of $66508.00, we have earmarked $66500.00 in our plan.

    The Trustlands Plan for next year was discussed and will be emailed to the council for final approval.

    TSSA funds are covering One Book, One School this year. 

    Meeting adjourned

    Next meeting scheduled for April 13, 2022