2022 October Minutes
Millville Elementary School Community CouncilOctober 19, 2022, 8:30 AM
Conference Room
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Brady Johnson, Cameron Raymond, Merilee Livingston
Absent: Kara Everton, Tom Davis, Kara Everton, Emily SorensonDiscussion Items:
- We discussed the responsibilities of the council which include fielding questions/concerns from the community as well as writing the School Land Trust Plan and the School TSSA Plan. This process will begin in January. Next meeting we will have a review of last year’s plan and expenditures that have been made. Our plans will focus on providing continued paraprofessional support to our school reading program. We hope to have a little extra funds to put towards other projects as well.
- Brady will email a video to all council members of the SCC training provided by the district earlier this month.
- Brady will reach out to the school community in hopes of recruiting additional council members. There will be a call for nominations and a ballot vote as well. This will take place before the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting scheduled for November 9, 2022
Printable Version: Millville Elementary SCC Minutes October 2022
- We discussed the responsibilities of the council which include fielding questions/concerns from the community as well as writing the School Land Trust Plan and the School TSSA Plan. This process will begin in January. Next meeting we will have a review of last year’s plan and expenditures that have been made. Our plans will focus on providing continued paraprofessional support to our school reading program. We hope to have a little extra funds to put towards other projects as well.