• Hi Families!

    During the time that the school is closed, we have developed a home speech and/or language program for your child. This will hopefully make it fun and easy to continue practicing speech and/or language skills at home so the skills we have been working on are not lost.

    You will find various activities to target your child's goals. To know which activities are recommended for your child please refer to the previous email you received that contained your child’s goals for speech and language. Some students may only have speech (articulation) goals, some may only have language goals and some may have both! The language activities are a fun way to maintain your child's language skills and all students are welcome to complete them whether or not they have language goals.

    With the announcement from Governor Herbert, we will now be completing the remainder of the school year online. Because we have been unable to provide speech therapy in the traditional face-to-face format we have been offering speech services through teletherapy. If you are interested, please let us know.

    Any additional questions please reach out to us, you are all doing an amazing job!



    Tanya Doran, MS, CCC-SLP


    Meagan Falor, SLT



    Pre-K, Life Skills and Kindergarten Materials:
    Commotion in the Ocean

    1st-3rd Grade Materials:
    1-3 Grades Snail and the Whale Unit
    The Snail & Whale (1-3 grade Quiz)
    4-6th Grades Materials:
    4-6 Grades Whale Unit
    Whales (4-6 grade Quiz)
    Speech/Articulation Resources:
    Speech Tutor Pro Website Tutorial
    Articulation Website Instructions
    Parent Survey (All Parents Please Complete)
    Parent Survey