• 1st Grade Daily Home Learning

    Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Boehme, Mrs. Whitaker

    Phonics Practice

    Here are a few good websites that we have found with phonics practice skills. Please have your child choose a couple of activities each day to review their phonics skills.
    Abcya.com One of our favorites! You can choose upper grade levels based on your child’s needs.
    Starfall.com This is a great resource but you will have limited use unless you have or create an account.
    https://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome Fun K-2 books, activities, and phonics games.

    Reading & Writing

    Please make sure your child is reading for 20+ minutes each day.  Here are a few sites that have books your child can read as well as books that can be read to them. As always, any library book or book from home would be a great choice as well. After reading a book, have your child write 4 sentences about their story.  Remember to use capitals, punctuation, spacing, and best handwriting.
    Storylineonline.net A great website that has famous people reading fun story books to your child. *One of our favorites!*
    Funbrain.com Lots of book choices for your child to read.
    https://www.readinga-z.com/ Leveled reading books.
    Reading for All Learners Books 1-8


    Here are a couple of websites with fun spelling practice games. Please use the following words for March 16-20: pages, hold, kind, draw, about, over, yellow, foundation, mention, fantastic, *today, *once.

    These are the words for March 23-27: before, seven, large, write, know, hopped, hoped, trading, chipped, playground, *again, *country.

    https://www.homespellingwords.com/1st-grade Fun games to practice 1st grade spelling words.
    https://spellingtraining.com/ More fun spelling games!


    For math this year, we have been working on calendar skills, math facts, addition and subtraction (2 digits with and without regrouping), telling time to the hour and half hour, measuring with nonstandard units, comparing numbers, 10 more 10 less, and 1 more 1 less.  Here are some great websites to help your child practice these skills.

    https://www.prodigygame.com/ Click on “Get your free account” Sign up and have fun!


    Here are some great science websites for fun learning!
    Mysteryscience.com Great science topics for kids but you will need to enter an email to sign up for free. There are also some fun Mystery Doug videos where he answers kids’ questions about a variety of topics.
    Switchzoo.com Fun animal learning games!

    Fun Websites for Extra Learning Adventures!

    Education.com Click on the first grade tab for a variety of fun activities.