• Have you updated your Student's contact Information?


    At this time we are asking you to update your Ecollect forms. The forms included are: contact information, emergency contacts, Student Acceptable use Policy, Parent Releases and Authorizations for our school.  This information is important to have up to date, the Student Acceptable Use Policy gives permission for your student to use the computers at school. The Student Appropriate Use Policy is only required to be signed once for each school where the student attends (k-6, 7-8, 9-12).  Parents will need a PowerSchool account for themselves to do this, (you can not use your students powerschool account).

    We encourage all parents to utilize their PowerSchool accounts to support teaching and learning at Millville Elementary.

    Did you know that your parent PowerSchool account gives you access to: update personal contact information, grades & attendance, student usernames & passwords, email notification preferences, lunch balance, school contact information, ECollect forms, district/school alert preferences, student documents.

    • Access or create your PowerSchool account at https://powerschool.ccsdut.org.
    • If you have a Powerschool parent account and can’t log in, please call 435-752-3925 x 2064 for assistance.
    • If you do not have a Powerschool parent account, please contact the school at 435-752-7162 and ask for a Parent Account Letter.  This letter provides information required to create your account.
    • If you need to add a student to a current account, contact the school and ask for a Parent Account Letter for the missing student.

    Here is a link to set up Power Announcement preferences:

    Parent Instructions